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Source: Core Rulebook, pg(s). 47-49
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Lashuntas1 are a species of humanoids native to the continent of Asana on the planet Castrovel in the Pact Worlds system. They are psychics with a unique, self-determined subspecies, and are a prominent population in the Pact Worlds.2


Lashuntas naturally gravitate toward the promotion of individualism, while the ant-like formians (one of the other two major sentient species native to Castrovel) are fiercely collectivist. It was therefore only a matter of time before these two native telepathic species came into conflict. This conflict eventually blossomed into a millennia-long war that only came to a close when the shirren, a relatively recently-arrived (and also telepathic) species brokered a peace deal in 287 AG.34 This event is believed to have been necessary for the foundation of the Pact Worlds government in the system in 291 AG.5


Because Castrovel is a world with many predators, most lashunta evolve at puberty into one of two paths in order to help their people survive: the taller, lithe, clever damaya and shorter, gregarious, muscular korasha. This is a conscious choice on the part of the individual that involves gene therapy and psychic rituals. Recently, some lashunta have begun to consciously not partake in this genetic split and grow up with physical and psychological traits seen in both damaya and korasha lashunta. Called unbound lashunta, this third group also can have physical traits not seen in the other two groups including fuzzy antennae or raised, colorful markings over all of their bodies (as opposed to just having markings on the head).6 All groups share some common traits, however, including two forehead antennae that serve as telepathic foci, colorful skin pigmentation patterns, raised and colored facial markings, and nearly perfect physical symmetry. Between their pleasingly ordered forms and natural pheromones, many other humanoids find lashunta either subconsciously attractive or disturbing.26


All lashuntas have natural limited telepathy and are known to be voracious learners regardless of subgroup, whether through academics or trained skills. Damaya lashuntas have an innate intellectual advantage and calmer demeanor, while korasha lashuntas have stronger and hardier bodies on average at the cost of being more boisterous and less observant.7 Damayas tend to be pushed toward more intellectual or political careers, while korashas more often find themselves pursuing jobs in the military or space exploration. Unbound lashunta tend to defy all labels and a small minority of them even advocates further genetic diversification to uncover long-lost genetic permutations. All groups are ambitious and greatly value self-improvement and tend to excel in education and training new skills while exposing themselves to new modes of thought and expression.6


On their home of Castrovel, lashunta have long lived in large cities located on the coast or the edge of the jungle wildlands where they can be protected from the planet's extreme weather and predators. The defense of these cities is overseen by a caste of psychic warriors along with potent magical and technological defenses. The best-known group of these psychic defenders is the shotalashu cavalry who form telepathic bonds with their saurian mounts.6


Just as lashunta culture promotes education and self-improvement, their favorite religions tend to encourage the search for enlightenment, balance, greater understanding and knowledge, and meditation. This has lead them to embrace the worship of deities such as Eloritu, Ibra, or Yaraesa along with philosophies such as the Cycle or the Green Faith.6


Most lashunta living in the Pact Worlds system speak Common and Castrovelian, the more widely-spoken language of their ancestral home planet.68


  1. Unlike in Pathfinder Click this link to see if this article exists on PathfinderWiki., the plural form of "lashunta" is "lashuntas".
  2. 2.0 2.1 Paizo Inc., et al. Core Rulebook, 49. Paizo Inc., 2017
  3. Paizo Inc., et al. Core Rulebook, 438–440. Paizo Inc., 2017
  4. Alexander Augunas, et al. Pact Worlds, 29. Paizo Inc., 2018
  5. Alexander Augunas, et al. Pact Worlds, 5. Paizo Inc., 2018
  6. 6.0 6.1 6.2 6.3 6.4 6.5 Jessica Catalan, et al. Lashunta” in Second Edition Playtest Rulebook, 24–27. Paizo Inc., 2024
  7. Paizo Inc., et al. Core Rulebook, 48. Paizo Inc., 2017
  8. Paizo Inc., et al. Core Rulebook, 41. Paizo Inc., 2017