Candares is a lashunta city-state in southeastern Asana on the planet Castrovel. It is located on the banks of the Tarakeshi River, which backs up every spring with meltwater to fill the neighboring Lake Nehan and turn the district of Upper Candares into a series of islands. Eventually the rising water level crests the banks of Lake Nehan and comes rushing through the narrow valley of Lower Candares to form dozens of impressive waterfalls. The sides of the steep valley are lined with hydroelectric power generators and seasonal temples staffed by kaymos, a local spider-limbed species who live peacefully alongside the lashuntas and bury their dead in the cliffs of the valley. The city has had a recent influx of wealth when it was discoved that the water passing through the the burials of the kaymos produces a rare material called corpsicum. The technomancers of the Astral Extractions mining company discovered new magical uses for corpsicum, and the company has used the significant profits from its sale to influence local politics to allow for their crab-like mining robots more access to the cliffs. This in turn has generated outrage and resentment among some of the locals who see the mining as a desecration of the dead, most notably by a group who call themselves the Wallkeepers. These militants will occasionally attack the mining robots, sending them tumbling in flames from the sides of the cliffs into the city.1
- ↑ Pact Worlds, 31–32. Paizo Inc., 2018 .