Nerundel is a gnomish and elven city located high in the Korinath Divide of central Sovyrian on the planet Castrovel. It is best known for the Greengate, a planar aiudara gate with an ever-present connection to the First World. This stable connection allows the gnomes to trade freely with the fey of the First World, while the fey come to Sovyrian to study at Nerundel Halls, the city's famous university. The primal energies pouring through the Greengate supercharge the area around Nerundel, turning the otherwise barren mountains into a lush and blooming paradise. Researchers in biotech and magic journey to the city to study and take advantage of this magical energy, but are kept from abusing the aiudara and the magical energies by a permanent presence of Xenowardens.1
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- ↑ Pact Worlds, 35. Paizo Inc., 2018 .