
From StarfinderWiki

Source: Pact Worlds (sourcebook), pg(s). 34

Cordona is a large elven metropolis located on the Clariel's Arm peninsula in northeastern Sovyrian on the planet Castrovel. Unlike the rest of the cities of the continent, which are extremely disdainful of outsiders (verging on openly hostile), Cordona is the official entrepot of the continent and contains the most diverse population of any Sovyrian city. All visitors seeking access to the continent without a direct invitation by a Sovyrian authority are funneled into Cordona, where they can petition the numerous corporate enclaves, embassies, or guilds. While the elves look down on the many outsiders who live and visit Cordona, they are also always trying to impress upon them the superiority of elven culture. The city, therefore, is a showcase of elven wealth, architecture, and utopian hospitality, and is even a popular vacation destination for elves from other parts of the continent. This is especially true during Revelnight, a citywide festival where beautiful colored lanterns decorate the streets, and no-questions-asked merrymaking (that often leads to an uptick in half-elven births) is encouraged. While focused on impressing visitors, the city government also keeps a close watch on everything going on in the city via magical eyes that constantly monitor the streets for signs of subversion or danger.1
