Jaws of the Mother

From StarfinderWiki

The Jaws of the Mother are a narrow strait connecting the Snowsalt Sea with the Gulf of Legions on the planet Castrovel. At its narrowest point it is only 30 miles wide, and it is here that the two pennisular arms of the continent of the Colonies nearly meet. To the north of the strait are the Nestwall Mountains while to the south are the larger Setae Range. During the millennia-long wars between the lashunta and the formians, the strait was a vital defensive location that was heavily fortified by the local formian hives, and the strait is still regularly patrolled by floating warhives today. The Mandibles, the primary aerospace defense installation of the Colonies, is located on either shore of the Jaws of the Mother.1


  1. Alexander Augunas, et al. Pact Worlds, 32–34. Paizo Inc., 2018