
From StarfinderWiki

The Seacrown are a mysterious series of islands claimed by an unknown species that are located in the Shattered Sea between the Castrovelian continents of Asana, Ukulam, and the Colonies.1


The islands are believed to be the peaks of an ancient impact crater that formed the Shattered Sea. They rise steeply from the water, but only the lower beaches are accessible. The interior of each of the islands is covered in an impenetrable force field that rises vertically around the edges and closes over the top in the planet's upper atmosphere. The force fields are translucent, but reveal obscured monastery-like cities within and lashunta-sized bodies moving among them. A small windown opens briefly in the force fields during an eclipse of the moon Elindrae, but all expeditions that have been launched into the interior have disappeared, with their equipment found afterwards deposited intact nearby or thousands of miles away.1
