Esowath Conservancy
The Esowath Conservancy is a nongovernmental conservation organization located on the planet Castrovel that works to protect the ecology of the wild continent Ukulam. It was founded after the signing of the peace treaty between the lashunta and formians in 287 AG, during which Ukulam had been used for thousands of years as a battlefield. The NGO is supported by all major peoples of Castrovel, but has been unable to stop all exploitation and pollution of the continent.12
In order to limit the pollution of Ukulam, the Esowath Conservancy severely restricts travel, limiting it by issuing a small number of annual permits that are in great demand among scientists and tourists alike. It even limits flights that pass over the continent due to concerns of how they impact migratory patterns of aeriel species. The NGO can actually enforce these restrictions by force through their private force of frontier soldiers and a fleet of coalition interceptor starships.1
Despite the work of the Esowath Conservancy, poaching of rare animal hides, horns, and other body parts still occurs, as these items have significant value to various groups, including pharmaceutical and supernatural researchers and prestige hunters.1
The NGO has recently become concerned about unidentified amorphous creatures that were spotted near Station 9, a fortification from the former war devastated by biological or chemical attacks. These creatures are thought to be a former biological countermeasure that has evolved and now attacks local wildlife, but so far the Esowath Conservancy has been hesistant about lauching an attack against what they assume to be an invasive species due to fears that any interference could unintentionally scatter its biological matter into the atmosphere.3
The Esowath Conservancy has two political headquarters, one in the lashunta city-state of Qabarat and the other in the formian hive of Queensrock. Its base of operations in Ukulam is the Esowath Nexus, a former formian hive on Ukulam's western shore. Led by their head of operations, Ualia, the Conservancy sends out patrols from here to track down poachers and other unauthorized visitors.3
- ↑ 1.0 1.1 1.2 Pact Worlds, 31. Paizo Inc., 2018 .
- ↑ Core Rulebook, 427. Paizo Inc., 2017 .
- ↑ 3.0 3.1 Pact Worlds, 36. Paizo Inc., 2018 .