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(khizar, plantlike)
By class level
Source: Starfinder Pact Worlds, pg(s). 212

Khizars are telepathic, plant-like humanoids who live in harmony with their natural environment. They are originally from the planet Castrovel in the Pact Worlds system.1


Khizars are bipedal humanoids with vestigial vines on their backs and greenish-brown cellulose skin. They have hydrostatic skeletons and bleed thick sap. Their limbs end in rootlike tendrils that can feel and somewhat clumsily grasp objects. In place of heads, khizars have seedpods made of tough, translucent membranes over woody latticeworks. Phosphorescent seed clusters glow softly through a khizar's seedpod, whose colour shifts as they experience different emotions. Canny observers can tell khizars' mood before they convey a word. Due to their lack of eyes and mouths, khizars are blind and mute, but can communicate via telepathy and perceive the presence or absence of light. Khizars inhale carbon dioxide and exhale oxygen.1


Khizars originated in the continent of Ukulam in northern Castrovel and evolved from scavenging plants that used slow movement and crude empathic senses to locate corpses. They eventually grew to have full-fledged societies, albeit with a much lower population than the local lashuntas, formians, and elves. With the advent of Drift travel, khizars founded colonies in the Ice Wells of Aballon in order to protect them from the anacite's urban sprawl.1


In Ukulam, khizars live in small, mobile communities of a few dozen individuals. When asked why they live in this way, the khizars explain that they do not wish to overly impact the continent's ecology, and simply love to travel.2 Khizars have a strong sense of individuality, and maintain no gender nor cultural divisions, as ancient khizars tended to solve competitions over food by embracing new and novel experiences. Khizars tend to be very protective of their wild habitats, which sometimes causes conflicts with other races. Many have recently joined or allied with the Xenowardens in defense of certain worlds. Khizars are eager to learn about others' ways in an effort to understand them and judge them by their actions rather than their appearances, since they usually cannot perceive the latter.1

Outside of Castrovel

Besides their native Castrovel, khizars can also be found defending the fragile ecosystems of the Ice Wells and the abandoned First Ones city Constant on Aballon.34
