Lashunta city-states
The lashunta city-states are small, independent lashunta nations on the continent of Asana on the Pact Worlds system planet of Castrovel. Each consists of a large city surrounded by smaller settlements and land around them that they control.1
Traditionally, lashunta city-states have been independent entities governed by a wide range of political systems ranging from egalitarian communes to hereditary monarchies. Despite the lashunta people's love of scholarship and learning, they each maintain a significant military for two main reasons: the longstanding rivalries between city-states that sometimes grow into armed (although not particularly deadly) conflicts,1.2 and the ever-present danger of the flora, fauna, and intelligent non-lashunta species that surrounded each of them. Due to these factors, it has historically been difficult to unite more than a few city-states under a single ruler for long. The city-states have also resisted domination by foreign entities, as each city-state will join together to fight a threat posed by outsiders.2
Influence of corporations
Today corporations have a larger say in political matters, most city-states today are run by democratically-elected autocrats and there is less direct conflict between city-states. Many of the city-states' governing bodies are financially supported by these businesses, while others are directly owned and operated by corporate interests. Corporations have been successful in using the rivalries between city-states to further their own agendas, and some lashunta worry that Asana will soon become like Akiton where commericial concerns generally outweigh the needs of the general populace.12
One exception is Qabarat, the planet's largest spaceport. Its leader, Lady Morana Kesh, keeps the the city-state independent from corporate interests. The nation is well known not only for being the planet's main entry point for interplanetary travelers, but also for its renowned academic institutions, beautiful architecture, and role as a hub to other city-states.1
List of city-states
Due to the continent's incredible biodiversity and fertility, Asana is the breadbasket of the Pact Worlds system and also attractive to research organizations. Its greatest assets, however, are the lashunta people themselves. Their charismatic, educated, and telepathic nature makes them a naturally talented and passionate work force for system-wide corporations.2
- ↑ 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8 Core Rulebook, 438–439. Paizo Inc., 2017 .
- ↑ 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 Pact Worlds, 30. Paizo Inc., 2018 .