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From StarfinderWiki

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A strange message beckons six strangers to Striving, an expansive megaplex city on Aballon, the planet of Machines. There, they gather in a neon-lit cafe, surrounded by androids and robots, to meet an old friend. The bartender brings them refreshments—and a holographic recording from their mutual acquaintance.

"Greetings, friends! If you’re watching this, it’s because I’ve experienced an unexpected shutdown—in organic terms, I’m dead."

The discovery of their friend’s unexpected murder turns these strangers into a crew of unlikely investigators. To find the killer, they’ll need to outrun murderous robots, outwit clever foes, and analyze perplexing clues—all while wondering if they’re hunting the murderer, or if the murderer is hunting them! The streets of Striving can be an unforgiving place, and the investigators will need all their skills, resources—and no small amount of luck—to come out ahead, solve the murder, find the killer’s hideout, and bring them to justice!

Murder in Metal City is a deluxe introductory boxed set adventure for four 1st-level Starfinder Second Edition characters containing numerous tools to assist GMs, including player and creature tokens, an immersive poster-sized double-sided battle map, investigation handouts, item cards, NPC cards, and a GM reference sheet and investigation tracker—everything required for a premium adventure experience!

Murder in Metal City features:

  • Six new pregenerated characters with player handouts, one for each class from the Starfinder Player Core.
  • A double-sided tactical Starfinder Flip-Mat featuring key locations from the adventure.
  • Articles about the machine planet Aballon and the megaplex city of Striving.
  • One new playable alien ancestry: khizars, the plant-like protectors of Aballon’s jungle-filled Ice Wells.
  • An article detailing the tech faiths of the Starfinder universe, from deities like Triune and Lambatuin to the unique philosophies of the robotic anacites.
  • Multiple pages of creature stat blocks and NPC descriptions for the combat and roleplaying encounters in the adventure.
Blast off into Starfinder Second Edition with a star chart of the galaxy and a thrilling tour of adventuring locations across the vastness of interstellar space! The Starfinder Galaxy Guide is a primer designed for new and experienced players that explores popular types of science fantasy campaigns—galactic exploration, horror, war-torn space opera, and more—giving GMs and players tools for playing out those types of stories in their Starfinder game. The Galaxy Guide also introduces several powerful galactic factions as potential friends or foes, including AbadarCorp’s holy corporate empire, the infernal orders of the Hellknights, and the world-preserving Xenowardens. Each major faction includes a new archetype players can use to create a character with ties to that faction. The galactic tour ends with a database of playable alien ancestries including a telepathic mega-brain with an atrophied body (contemplative), a friendly shapeshifter with a secretly bizarre true form (astrazoan), and more!1
Countless derelict and abandoned starships litter space—some damaged beyond repair, some containing valuable cargo, and others empty save for the dead. The Xenowarden starship Bloom is one such ship. During a routine survey mission to a newly discovered dwarf planet in the Vast, the crew of the Bloom collected a variety of biological and environmental samples, secured the samples for further study, and departed, plotting a course through the Drift to a mobile research laboratory in the Pact Worlds.

The Bloom that emerged in Pact Worlds’ space was much changed—unresponsive, careening out of control, and with no sign of the ship’s crew. Explore the biomechanical corridors of the Bloom to uncover the fate of its missing crew and face off against a dangerous, alien predator that can't be allowed to survive.

The Bloom is haunted. That's the least of your problems.
Eight years ago, famed junk racer Ratrod was beaten on his own track by agents of the Starfinder Society, tarnishing his reputation and leading to a years-long losing slump. Now, Ratrod’s back and determined to get revenge—by winning a junkrace against everyone he lost against! It’s time to customize your junk racer, buckle up, and show racing fans everywhere that the Starfinder Society still has what it takes to win!

When it becomes clear someone's out to get the competition, it's up to you to determine who's to blame! A racer determined to win at all costs? An obsessed fan? Or is Ratrod's revenge a little deadlier than expected...?

Welcome to the grudge match of the decade!
Ever since the Starfinder Society first established a presence on the false moon of Salvation's End, its agents have continued to slowly but surely uncover new information about the megacomplex’s internal machinations and the dangerous Guiding Intelligence seemingly at its head. But they’re not the only ones interested in Salvation’s End…

Deep within the false moon, the tyrannical Vault Lord conquers vault after vault, spreading their influence and subjugating the residents of every vault in their path. Now, the free residents of Salvation’s End have come to two conclusions: the Vault Lord must be stopped, and they’ll need to work together to defeat them.

Join the Starfinder Society, the free citizens of Salvation’s End, and the mysterious Guiding Intelligence in a joint attack against the Vault Lord within the very heart of their realm: the vault of Xin-Tsalash!
Experience the evolution of the Starfinder roleplaying game with over a dozen iconic creatures fully compatible with the upcoming playtest and your existing Pathfinder roleplaying game Click this link to see if this article exists on PathfinderWiki. campaigns! Inside you'll find friends and foes, ranging from the whimsical asteray to the classic cybernetic zombie. This dossier also includes previews of spells, weapons, and even a squox companion to help you face extraterrestrial threats. Get started today and prepare your players for out-of-this-world adventure in the second edition of the Starfinder roleplaying game!1
For millennia, Birnam's Bubble has been a planet untouched by outsiders, fully encapsulated in an impenetrable shield of unknown energy and protected by powerful automated defenses. Through this barrier, explorers and surveyors have glimpsed pristine settlements, verdant flora, and inexplicable magical emanations—yet no fauna or citizens populate the world’s surface. As in many other parts of the galaxy, the Drift Crisis changed everything. Now, the energy barrier surrounding Birnam’s Bubble cracks like shattering glass, and shards of this solidified energy have begun to fall through the atmosphere to the planet’s surface, causing significant destruction. Enter the breach and uncover the secrets of the lost civilizations of Birnam’s Bubble before they're lost forever!1
For years, Zo (the city) and Zo! (the bombastic undead media mogul) have been engaged in a legal dispute over their shared name. Finally, both parties have agreed to a trial on the planet of Triaxus to put the matter to rest for good. In a bold move, Zo! calls in a favor from the Starfinder Society, requisitioning a team of Starfinders to represent him in the trial. Make your case to the jury, ready your counterargument, participate in a trial by combat against a team of crack combat-lawyers, and smile for the camera in the live broadcast of the decade!1
Mined on the frigid planet of Vesk-8, shimmerstone is a psychically active crystalline ore known to have a calming effect on emotions. After a wave of powerful cosmic energy ripples across the galaxy, shimmerstone changes, suddenly becoming unstable as it resonates with the psychic cries of a strange new god. All across Vesk-8, shimmerstone mines suffer disaster after disaster. While many corporations react with attempts to sweep these events under the metaphorical rug, Shim-Tek desperately seeks outside agents to visit their shimmerstone mine, investigate the disturbance, and rescue any imperiled miners still on site.1
Perched on the edge of the Pact Worlds, the planet Aucturn is an inhospitable place with a foul reputation, believed by many of its fanatical inhabitants to be a massive, alien womb. After receiving conflicting reports of strange psychic and cosmic phenomena occurring on the planet's surface, the Starfinder Society dispatches a team of experienced agents to travel to Aucturn and investigate. As the Starfinders strive to unravel the source of these occurrences, persistent tectonic activity rocks the planet.1
The Starfinder Player Core is the definitive entry point for Starfinder Second Edition, with everything a player needs to learn how to play the game! Choose from 10 ancestries, six character classes, and hundreds of feats and spells to create unique characters ready to take on a ruthless galaxy awash with magic and opportunity. Starfinder Player Core brings the Starfinder RPG into its new edition and is now 100% compatible with the acclaimed Second Edition of the hit Pathfinder Roleplaying Game. Along with GM Core and Alien Core, these books provide a new foundation for the future of tabletop gaming!

Starfinder Player Core includes:

  • Complete character creation rules, walking you through building a character by selecting your Ancestry, Background, and Class, with a focus on the envoy, mystic, operative, solarian, soldier, and witchwarper classes!
  • Core ancestry options include android, barathu, human, kasatha, lashunta, pahtra, shirren, skittermander, vesk, and ysoki!
  • A vast catalogue of options allowing you to customize your character including versatile heritages, like the undead borai and Drift-touched prismeni, skills and feats, and hundreds of spells, ensuring that the character you build represents your hero not just in story, but in rules as well!
  • A primer on the Pact Worlds and wider galaxy, so your character can be a part of an exciting and diverse setting!
  • Rules and tools to advance your character through play, taking them from a fresh-faced adventurer ready to take on the world to a veteran hero, wielding powerful magic that can reshape reality.
The Azlanti Star Empire and Veskarium—two interstellar powers with a long history of conquest and war—are set to sign a historic accord on the distant settlement of Atuity. A group of heroes attend the peace talks on behalf of the Pact Worlds, navigating civil unrest and negotiations to make sure everything goes as planned. When a surprise attack interrupts the diplomatic proceedings, the heroes must fight back against rogue Azlanti forces and mysterious saboteurs to protect Atuity (and the entire Adalawe system) from the destructive schemes of Devourer cultists who are preparing to activate a weapon of cosmic destruction!1
The River Between is a rushing waterway contained within a cylindrical containment field that winds through the Diaspora, connecting hundreds of asteroids and sarcesian crèche worlds in an endless loop. For years, the River Between’s current has slowed, and its waters have darkened, becoming fallow and murky. Now, the River Between is drying up, and all signs indicate it’s an act of sabotage perpetrated by notorious space pirate Alera Okwana, captain of the Riveters. Grab your laser pistol, plot a course for the Diaspora, and raid a pirate stronghold in your quest to save the River Between!1
The Starfinder Society recently completed a year-long excavation of an ancient hobgoblin ruin on the planet Flentil, a colony of the Marixah Republic. Flentil has long been a point of contention between the Republic and their interstellar neighbors, the warmongering Gideron Authority. When a contingent of Hellknights from the Order of the Crucible invades Flentil, these Starfinders are caught in the crossfire and taken captive.

Celita, leader of the Dataphiles faction, dispatches a team of Starfinders to Flentil to rescue the captured Starfinders, retrieve the data they gathered, and determine what the Order of the Crucible is up to—all without dragging the Starfinders into an intergalactic war! And if it’s nefarious? Oust the Order! Break the Crucible!
The Szandite Collective is an alliance of seven planets spread across four adjacent star systems in Near Space, and connected by a psychic network of szandite crystals. Although the Collective has consisted of seven planets for all of its post-Gap history, long ago, it once numbered eight, as the planet Krethiskar failed to reconnect following the Gap. With only an approximate idea of where the planet existed in relation to the rest of the Collective home worlds, Krethiskar is lost, and progress on its rediscovery is painfully slow.

Palivhar Chooser of Hues, a respected scholar, astronomer, and member of the Starfinder Society’s Forum, is a citizen of the Szandite Collective and has long sought the missing planet Krethiskar. After decades of sifting through psychic echoes stored within szandite crystals, leveraging potent divinations, and cross referencing the Starfinder Society’s vast galactic databases—all to meet with failure—Palivhar experienced a vivid, recurring dream of a voice, reaching across time and space, to guide them to Krethiskar. Following their dreams into the unexplored reaches of Near Space, Palivhar discovered the very planet that had eluded them for so long: Krethiskar.

Now, Palivhar leads an expedition of Starfinders to Krethiskar’s surface, to survey the planet, locate its szandite crystals, and determine what happened to the citizens of this lost collective. Unfortunately for the Starfinder Society, Krethiskar is a huskworld consumed by the voracious Swarm in ages past. Palivhar’s survey expedition is doomed to become a desperate fight for survival, as the hibernating Swarm awaken. Can you escape the planet alive?
The legendary explorer Jelev Rasheen was one of the first to set off into the Drift in search of fame and fortune. After her mysterious disappearance, dozens of alleged children, partners, and adventuring companions began spreading one final tale about Rasheen: that she was last seen commanding a fleet of ships laden with treasure. Over the past few years, the Starfinder Society has joined the hunt for Jelev Rasheen’s fabled treasure, following a series of beacons from site to site, and recreating Rasheen’s final journey.

Now, the coordinates point to Pan, the only planet orbiting the star Ixo in the Tabori Cluster Nebula. The PCs travel to this badlands frontier in search of vast treasure barges or the next leg of Rasheen’s journey, only to discover a crashed starship half-buried in the earth, and no treasure to be found. What was so important about this wreck? And, more importantly, did Rasheen ever make it off this planet alive? The nearby town of Requiem Falls might hold the answers…
Under the watchful eye of newly elected First Seeker Sarmak, the Starfinder Society travels to the machine planet of Aballon to undertake an archaeological survey of the ancient city of Eternity. Using a relic known as the Eternity Drive, the Starfinders launch initial explorations, uncover long-forgotten information about the fabled First Ones, and clash with a violent faction of anacite extremists named Those Who Call.1
Unleash your imagination, creating new galaxies and tales with the Starfinder GM Core for Starfinder Second Edition! This comprehensive 264-page rulebook gives Game Masters everything they need to craft thrilling tales of adventure, from a single-night’s scenario on the mean streets to complex epics spanning years. Within these pages you’ll find clear guidelines for creating new hazards and alien creatures, tools to design challenging, balanced encounters, and rules for rewarding characters for the dastardly challenges you array before them! Starfinder GM Core also contains rules for quick-to-run cinematic starship combat and dynamic hacking rules!

Starfinder GM Core is the second core rulebook for the Starfinder Second Edition RPG! Along with the Player Core and Alien Core, these books provide a new foundation for the future of tabletop gaming! Starfinder GM Core includes:

  • The rules needed to run a game of Starfinder, including guidelines for creating challenging encounters, determining success, and giving out rewards.
  • Advice aimed at making you an incredible Game Master, along with tools to ensure you and everyone else at your table has a safe and enjoyable experience.
  • Guidelines to help you create your own content, from campaigns and adventures to hazards and monsters.
  • Rules subsystems to help you handle a wide array of game situations, including rules for chases, cinematic starship combat, research, hacking infiltration, and more!
  • A guide to the Pact Worlds and wider galaxy, with a look at several important regions, and an exploration of the wider cosmos!
Welcome to Arniselle, an aquatic world where colorful morlamaws once worshipped cosmic horrors—or did they? Local Starfinder Hinevera is determined to prove that her people's ancient past isn't all foul cosmic entities! Years of extensive research and field work have led her to multiple promising ancient ruins that could shed light on the broader history and beliefs of ancient morlamaws. But as the tides turn, and Hinevera and her team fail to make contact, one thing becomes clear: something is wrong. Travel to the planet of Arniselle and explore ancient ruins on a rescue mission submerged beneath the waves!1
With four unique maps each bringing a science-fantasy planet to life, Starfinder Flip-Mat: Planetary Terrain Multi-Pack has what you need to take your Starfinder campaign to new worlds. One mat in this dual set displays a winter forest perfect for frigid worlds like Triaxus. The other side of this map depicts the desert of a red planet, with a perfect ambush point. The second map begins with a cratered surface great for lunar adventures or the surface of lifeless worlds like Apostae or Eox. The second side of this map showcases a brilliant blue and purple gas giant, with orbital platforms to let your adventurers fight in new dimensions. Push the boundaries of space with new worlds to explore and new maps to bring them to life!1
With most of the Starfinder Society's agents trapped behind an impenetrable force field, it's up to a new generation of heroes to step forward and uncover the mystery of this interstellar prison—the mystery of the Scoured Stars! Unravel the threat of the merciless alien jinsuls while rebuilding an interplanetary adventuring guild and dealing with the emerging threat of a slumbering god—all in a day's work for a Starfinder!1
Years ago, the Starfinder Society suffered a monumental setback during a mission into the region of space known as the Scoured Stars. After a year of rebuilding, the Society returned to the Scoured Stars and rescued its surviving agents, only to be pushed out by an aggressive species known as the jinsuls. Over the course of the next year, the Society built a coalition of allies and defeated the jinsul menace, scattering them and stopping the divine herald Dhurus from consuming the energies of the Scoured Stars’ awakening deity, Kadrical.

In the years since, former First Seeker Jadnura has patiently waited within the Scoured Stars onboard his starship, the Perfect Silence, acting as a self-appointed steward of the system and communing with the god Kadrical through deep meditation. Now, a potent celestial event is about to occur within the Scoured Stars—an alignment of the stars and planets poised to create a strong metaphysical bridge that could further empower Kadrical and allow the deity to take another step into re-asserting itself within the cosmos. Jadnura has invited the Society’s most senior agents to witness the monumental event alongside him, aboard the Perfect Silence. When disaster strikes, the Starfinders experience echoes from the Starfinder Society’s recent past and endure an encounter with the divine.

Will you survive the final assessment?

Return to the Scoured Stars in the final adventure for Starfinder First Edition!
Zo! Media is the Pact Worlds’ largest multimedia entertainment empire. Run by the enigmatic and ever charismatic undead elebrian Zo!, Zo! Media’s most popular shows thrust living contestants into challenging, desperate, and often lethal situations. His newest show, Wheel of Monsters, pits adventurers, thrill-seekers, gladiators, and veteran soldiers against dangerous and strange creatures collected from across the stars. Whether the contestants are fighting for honor, glory, or to pay off a gambling debt, Zo! has promised an unusual twist on each broadcast that’ll be sure to keep both viewers and contestants guessing to the very end. Step right up, come on down, and ready your laser pistols… You’re the next contestants on Zo!’s Wheel of Monsters! Where there’s a big prize if you make it out alive!1
Envar Tamm is in crisis! Or, more accurately, his body double is! Envar is a friend of the Starfinder Society and host of the popular extreme travel v-log Envar's Expeditions. Days ago, mercenaries mistakenly kidnapped Envar's body double while filming reshoots, rather than Envar himself. Possessing more bravery than good sense, Envar immediately hatched a plan to rescue his double and stream the footage.

Worried that Envar is going to get himself killed, Ilia Tamm, Envar's mother and CEO of Arch Energy Consortium, has contacted the Starfinders to bail him out. The mission? Accompany Envar on his absurd rescue mission and ensure he survives. While you're at it, you might as well rescue Envar's body double.

It's time for Envar's Awesome Rescue!
First Seeker Sarmak’s archaeological survey of the ancient city of Eternity continues, as the Starfinders explore a server archive created by the First Ones of Aballon, uncovering tantalizing information and long-buried secrets. When a mysterious and violent group known as Those Who Call makes an unexpected appearance, it’s up to the Starfinders to save the day!1
First Seeker Sarmak’s archaeological survey of the ancient city of Eternity has been interrupted by Those Who Call, a fanatical cult of robotic anacites determined to draw the mysterious First Ones back to the planet Aballon. Under the ruthless leadership of Supreme-Proclaimant, Those Who Call prepare to destroy Aballon’s government and capital city using a devastating weapon reconstructed from ancient First Ones’ technology. After stealing an artifact known as the Eternity Drive from the Starfinder Society during a violent surprise assault, Those Who Call have all they need to fire this weapon, destroy the nearby megaplex of Striving, and dispatch their intergalactic call to the First Ones! Can the Starfinder Society stop Those Who Call? Or will Supreme-Proclaimant purge the planet of Aballon in a wave of devastation?1
Showing 20 pages using this property.
[[First Seeker]] [[Sarmak]]’s archaeological survey of the ancient city of [[Eternity]] continues, as the [[Starfinder]]s explore a server archive created by the [[First Ones]] of [[Aballon]], uncovering tantalizing information and long-buried secrets. When a mysterious and violent group known as [[Those Who Call]] makes an unexpected appearance, it’s up to the Starfinders to save the day!  +
Perched on the edge of the [[Pact Worlds]], the [[planet]] [[Aucturn]] is an inhospitable place with a foul reputation, believed by many of its fanatical inhabitants to be a massive, alien womb. After receiving conflicting reports of strange [[psychic]] and cosmic phenomena occurring on the planet's surface, the [[Starfinder Society]] dispatches a team of experienced [[Starfinder|agents]] to travel to Aucturn and investigate. As the Starfinders strive to unravel the source of these occurrences, persistent tectonic activity rocks the planet.  +
The [[Starfinder Society]] recently completed a year-long excavation of an ancient hobgoblin ruin on the planet [[Flentil]], a colony of the [[Marixah Republic]]. Flentil has long been a point of contention between the Republic and their interstellar neighbors, the warmongering [[Gideron Authority]]. When a contingent of [[Hellknights]] from the [[Order of the Crucible]] invades Flentil, these Starfinders are caught in the crossfire and taken captive.<br><br> Celita, leader of the Dataphiles faction, dispatches a team of Starfinders to Flentil to rescue the captured Starfinders, retrieve the data they gathered, and determine what the Order of the Crucible is up to—all without dragging the Starfinders into an intergalactic war! And if it’s nefarious? Oust the Order! Break the Crucible!  +
Ever since the [[Starfinder Society]] first established a presence on the false moon of [[Salvation's End]], its agents have continued to slowly but surely uncover new information about the megacomplex’s internal machinations and the dangerous [[Guiding Intelligence]] seemingly at its head. But they’re not the only ones interested in Salvation’s End… Deep within the false moon, the tyrannical [[Vault Lord]] conquers vault after vault, spreading their influence and subjugating the residents of every vault in their path. Now, the free residents of Salvation’s End have come to two conclusions: the Vault Lord must be stopped, and they’ll need to work together to defeat them. Join the Starfinder Society, the free citizens of Salvation’s End, and the mysterious Guiding Intelligence in a joint attack against the Vault Lord within the very heart of their realm: the vault of [[Xin-Tsalash]]!  +
The [[Azlanti Star Empire]] and [[Veskarium]]—two interstellar powers with a long history of conquest and war—are set to sign a historic accord on the distant settlement of [[Atuity]]. A group of heroes attend the peace talks on behalf of the [[Pact Worlds]], navigating civil unrest and negotiations to make sure everything goes as planned. When a surprise attack interrupts the diplomatic proceedings, the heroes must fight back against rogue Azlanti forces and mysterious saboteurs to protect Atuity (and the entire [[Adalawe]] system) from the destructive schemes of [[Devourer]] cultists who are preparing to activate a weapon of cosmic destruction!  +
[[Envar Tamm]] is in crisis! Or, more accurately, his body double is! Envar is a friend of the [[Starfinder Society]] and host of the popular extreme travel v-log ''[[Envar's Expeditions (v-log)|Envar's Expeditions]]''. Days ago, mercenaries mistakenly kidnapped Envar's body double while filming reshoots, rather than Envar himself. Possessing more bravery than good sense, Envar immediately hatched a plan to rescue his double and stream the footage. Worried that Envar is going to get himself killed, [[Ilia Tamm]], Envar's mother and CEO of [[Arch Energy Consortium]], has contacted the Starfinders to bail him out. The mission? Accompany Envar on his absurd rescue mission and ensure he survives. While you're at it, you might as well rescue Envar's body double. It's time for Envar's Awesome Rescue!  +
Years ago, the [[Starfinder Society]] suffered a monumental setback during a mission into the region of space known as the [[Scoured Stars]]. After a year of rebuilding, the Society returned to the Scoured Stars and rescued its surviving agents, only to be pushed out by an aggressive species known as the [[jinsul]]s. Over the course of the next year, the Society built a coalition of allies and defeated the jinsul menace, scattering them and stopping the divine herald [[Dhurus]] from consuming the energies of the Scoured Stars’ awakening deity, [[Kadrical]]. In the years since, former [[First Seeker]] [[Jadnura]] has patiently waited within the Scoured Stars onboard his starship, the [[Perfect Silence]], acting as a self-appointed steward of the system and communing with the god Kadrical through deep meditation. Now, a potent celestial event is about to occur within the Scoured Stars—an alignment of the stars and planets poised to create a strong metaphysical bridge that could further empower Kadrical and allow the deity to take another step into re-asserting itself within the cosmos. Jadnura has invited the Society’s most senior agents to witness the monumental event alongside him, aboard the Perfect Silence. When disaster strikes, the Starfinders experience echoes from the Starfinder Society’s recent past and endure an encounter with the divine. Will you survive the final assessment? Return to the Scoured Stars in the final adventure for Starfinder First Edition!  +
Unleash your imagination, creating new galaxies and tales with the Starfinder GM Core for Starfinder Second Edition! This comprehensive 264-page rulebook gives Game Masters everything they need to craft thrilling tales of adventure, from a single-night’s scenario on the mean streets to complex epics spanning years. Within these pages you’ll find clear guidelines for creating new hazards and alien creatures, tools to design challenging, balanced encounters, and rules for rewarding characters for the dastardly challenges you array before them! Starfinder GM Core also contains rules for quick-to-run cinematic starship combat and dynamic hacking rules! Starfinder GM Core is the second core rulebook for the Starfinder Second Edition RPG! Along with the [[Player Core]] and [[Alien Core]], these books provide a new foundation for the future of tabletop gaming! Starfinder GM Core includes: *The rules needed to run a game of Starfinder, including guidelines for creating challenging encounters, determining success, and giving out rewards. *Advice aimed at making you an incredible Game Master, along with tools to ensure you and everyone else at your table has a safe and enjoyable experience. *Guidelines to help you create your own content, from campaigns and adventures to hazards and monsters. *Rules subsystems to help you handle a wide array of game situations, including rules for chases, cinematic starship combat, research, hacking infiltration, and more! *A guide to the [[Pact Worlds]] and wider galaxy, with a look at several important regions, and an exploration of the wider cosmos!  +
Blast off into Starfinder Second Edition with a star chart of the [[galaxy]] and a thrilling tour of adventuring locations across the vastness of interstellar space! The ''Starfinder Galaxy Guide'' is a primer designed for new and experienced players that explores popular types of science fantasy campaigns—galactic exploration, horror, war-torn space opera, and more—giving GMs and players tools for playing out those types of stories in their Starfinder game. The ''Galaxy Guide'' also introduces several powerful galactic factions as potential friends or foes, including [[AbadarCorp]]’s holy corporate empire, the infernal orders of the [[Hellknights]], and the world-preserving [[Xenowardens]]. Each major faction includes a new archetype players can use to create a character with ties to that faction. The galactic tour ends with a database of playable alien [[Ancestry|ancestries]] including a telepathic mega-brain with an atrophied body ([[contemplative]]), a friendly shapeshifter with a secretly bizarre true form ([[astrazoan]]), and more!  +
Countless derelict and abandoned [[starship]]s litter space—some damaged beyond repair, some containing valuable cargo, and others empty save for the dead. The [[Xenowardens|Xenowarden]] starship ''[[Bloom]]'' is one such ship. During a routine survey mission to a newly discovered dwarf [[planet]] in the [[Vast]], the crew of the ''Bloom'' collected a variety of biological and environmental samples, secured the samples for further study, and departed, plotting a course through the [[Drift]] to a mobile research laboratory in the [[Pact Worlds]]. The ''Bloom'' that emerged in Pact Worlds’ space was much changed—unresponsive, careening out of control, and with no sign of the ship’s crew. Explore the biomechanical corridors of the ''Bloom'' to uncover the fate of its missing crew and face off against a dangerous, alien predator that can't be allowed to survive. The ''Bloom'' is [[haunt]]ed. That's the least of your problems.  +
A strange message beckons six strangers to [[Striving]], an expansive megaplex city on [[Aballon]], the planet of Machines. There, they gather in a neon-lit cafe, surrounded by androids and robots, to meet an old friend. The bartender brings them refreshments—and a holographic recording from their mutual acquaintance. "Greetings, friends! If you’re watching this, it’s because I’ve experienced an unexpected shutdown—in organic terms, I’m dead." The discovery of their friend’s unexpected murder turns these strangers into a crew of unlikely investigators. To find the killer, they’ll need to outrun murderous robots, outwit clever foes, and analyze perplexing clues—all while wondering if they’re hunting the murderer, or if the murderer is hunting them! The streets of Striving can be an unforgiving place, and the investigators will need all their skills, resources—and no small amount of luck—to come out ahead, solve the murder, find the killer’s hideout, and bring them to justice! Murder in Metal City is a deluxe introductory boxed set adventure for four 1st-level Starfinder Second Edition characters containing numerous tools to assist GMs, including player and creature tokens, an immersive poster-sized double-sided battle map, investigation handouts, item cards, NPC cards, and a GM reference sheet and investigation tracker—everything required for a premium adventure experience! Murder in Metal City features: * Six new pregenerated characters with player handouts, one for each class from the Starfinder Player Core. * A double-sided tactical Starfinder Flip-Mat featuring key locations from the adventure. * Articles about the machine planet Aballon and the megaplex city of Striving. * One new playable alien ancestry: [[khizar]]s, the plant-like protectors of Aballon’s jungle-filled [[Ice Wells]]. * An article detailing the tech faiths of the Starfinder universe, from deities like [[Triune]] and [[Lambatuin]] to the unique philosophies of the robotic [[anacite]]s. * Multiple pages of creature stat blocks and NPC descriptions for the combat and roleplaying encounters in the adventure.  
With four unique maps each bringing a science-fantasy [[planet]] to life, ''Starfinder Flip-Mat: Planetary Terrain Multi-Pack'' has what you need to take your Starfinder campaign to new worlds. One mat in this dual set displays a winter forest perfect for frigid worlds like [[Triaxus]]. The other side of this map depicts the desert of a red planet, with a perfect ambush point. The second map begins with a cratered surface great for [[moon|lunar]] adventures or the surface of lifeless worlds like [[Apostae]] or [[Eox]]. The second side of this map showcases a brilliant blue and purple [[gas giant]], with orbital platforms to let your adventurers fight in new dimensions. Push the boundaries of space with new worlds to explore and new maps to bring them to life!  +
The Starfinder Player Core is the definitive entry point for Starfinder Second Edition, with everything a player needs to learn how to play the game! Choose from 10 ancestries, six character classes, and hundreds of feats and spells to create unique characters ready to take on a ruthless galaxy awash with magic and opportunity. Starfinder Player Core brings the Starfinder RPG into its new edition and is now 100% compatible with the acclaimed Second Edition of the hit Pathfinder Roleplaying Game. Along with GM Core and Alien Core, these books provide a new foundation for the future of tabletop gaming! Starfinder Player Core includes: * Complete character creation rules, walking you through building a character by selecting your Ancestry, Background, and Class, with a focus on the envoy, mystic, operative, solarian, soldier, and witchwarper classes! * Core ancestry options include [[android]], [[barathu]], [[human]], [[kasatha]], [[lashunta]], [[pahtra]], [[shirren]], [[skittermander]], [[vesk]], and [[ysoki]]! * A vast catalogue of options allowing you to customize your character including versatile heritages, like the [[undead]] [[borai]] and Drift-touched [[prismeni]], skills and feats, and hundreds of spells, ensuring that the character you build represents your hero not just in story, but in rules as well! * A primer on the [[Pact Worlds]] and wider galaxy, so your character can be a part of an exciting and diverse setting! * Rules and tools to advance your character through play, taking them from a fresh-faced adventurer ready to take on the world to a veteran hero, wielding powerful magic that can reshape reality.  +
The legendary explorer [[Jelev Rasheen]] was one of the first to set off into the [[Drift]] in search of fame and fortune. After her mysterious disappearance, dozens of alleged children, partners, and adventuring companions began spreading one final tale about Rasheen: that she was last seen commanding a fleet of ships laden with treasure. Over the past few years, the Starfinder Society has joined the hunt for Jelev Rasheen’s fabled treasure, following a series of beacons from site to site, and recreating Rasheen’s final journey.<br><br> Now, the coordinates point to [[Pan]], the only planet orbiting the star [[Ixo]] in the [[Tabori Cluster]] Nebula. The PCs travel to this badlands frontier in search of vast treasure barges or the next leg of Rasheen’s journey, only to discover a crashed starship half-buried in the earth, and no treasure to be found. What was so important about this wreck? And, more importantly, did Rasheen ever make it off this planet alive? The nearby town of [[Requiem Falls]] might hold the answers…<div></div>  +
Eight years ago, famed junk racer [[Ratrod]] was beaten on his own track by agents of the [[Starfinder Society]], tarnishing his reputation and leading to a years-long losing slump. Now, Ratrod’s back and determined to get revenge—by winning a [[junkrace]] against everyone he lost against! It’s time to customize your junk racer, buckle up, and show racing fans everywhere that the Starfinder Society still has what it takes to win! When it becomes clear someone's out to get the competition, it's up to you to determine who's to blame! A racer determined to win at all costs? An obsessed fan? Or is Ratrod's revenge a little deadlier than expected...? Welcome to the grudge match of the decade!  +
Mined on the frigid planet of [[Vesk-8]], [[shimmerstone]] is a psychically active crystalline ore known to have a calming effect on emotions. After a wave of powerful cosmic energy ripples across the galaxy, shimmerstone changes, suddenly becoming unstable as it resonates with the psychic cries of a strange new god. All across Vesk-8, shimmerstone mines suffer disaster after disaster. While many corporations react with attempts to sweep these events under the metaphorical rug, [[Shim-Tek]] desperately seeks outside agents to visit their shimmerstone mine, investigate the disturbance, and rescue any imperiled miners still on site.  +
With most of the [[Starfinder Society]]'s agents trapped behind an impenetrable force field, it's up to a new generation of heroes to step forward and uncover the mystery of this interstellar prison—the mystery of the [[Scoured Stars]]! Unravel the threat of the merciless alien [[jinsul]]s while rebuilding an interplanetary adventuring guild and dealing with the emerging threat of a [[Kadrical|slumbering god]]—all in a day's work for a [[Starfinder]]!  +
Experience the evolution of the Starfinder roleplaying game with over a dozen iconic creatures fully compatible with the upcoming playtest and your existing <span class="pfw-link">[[pfw:Pathfinder roleplaying game|Pathfinder roleplaying game]] [[File:PFW compass rose 150.png|frameless|11px|link=Pathfinder roleplaying game|Click this link to see if this article exists on PathfinderWiki.]]</span> campaigns! Inside you'll find friends and foes, ranging from the whimsical [[asteray]] to the classic [[cybernetic zombie]]. This dossier also includes previews of [[spell]]s, [[weapon]]s, and even a [[squox]] companion to help you face extraterrestrial threats. Get started today and prepare your players for out-of-this-world adventure in the second edition of the Starfinder roleplaying game!  +
For millennia, [[Birnam's Bubble]] has been a [[planet]] untouched by outsiders, fully encapsulated in an impenetrable shield of unknown energy and protected by powerful automated defenses. Through this barrier, explorers and surveyors have glimpsed pristine settlements, verdant flora, and inexplicable magical emanations—yet no fauna or citizens populate the world’s surface. As in many other parts of the [[galaxy]], the [[Drift Crisis]] changed everything. Now, the energy barrier surrounding Birnam’s Bubble cracks like shattering glass, and shards of this solidified energy have begun to fall through the atmosphere to the planet’s surface, causing significant destruction. Enter the breach and uncover the secrets of the lost civilizations of Birnam’s Bubble before they're lost forever!  +
Welcome to [[Arniselle]], an aquatic [[planet|world]] where colorful [[morlamaw]]s once worshipped cosmic horrors—or did they? Local [[Starfinder]] [[Hinevera]] is determined to prove that her people's ancient past isn't all foul cosmic entities! Years of extensive research and field work have led her to multiple promising ancient ruins that could shed light on the broader history and beliefs of ancient morlamaws. But as the tides turn, and Hinevera and her team fail to make contact, one thing becomes clear: something is wrong. Travel to the planet of Arniselle and explore ancient ruins on a rescue mission submerged beneath the waves!  +