Near Space

From StarfinderWiki
Near Space

Near Space, sometimes called The Near, is a region of Drift-accessible space where there are many Drift beacons and most planets are known.12 Near Space contrasts with the Vast, where Drift beacon density is much lower and Drift travel is much more difficult and time-consuming.2

Despite its name and the fact that much of Near Space is a relaitvely short trip through Drift space to the Pact Worlds system and galactic core, pockets of Near Space exist as far as the galactic rim, while uncharted areas near the galactic core are considered part of the Vast—distance has no bearing on a location's inclusion in either region, only its distance from a Drift beacon.2

Travel times

Travel times between points in Near Space depend on the type of Drift engine that is used on a starship. For those ships with a Signal Basic Drift engine (which is most current ships), travel time on average is between three to eighteen days. More advanced Drift engines can shorten this time by up to a fifth.3

Known worlds
