Facts:Murder in Metal City
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.Murder in Metal City
Starfinder Murder in Metal City Deluxe Adventure
A strange message beckons six strangers to Striving, an expansive megaplex city on Aballon, the planet of Machines. There, they gather in a neon-lit cafe, surrounded by androids and robots, to meet an old friend. The bartender brings them refreshments—and a holographic recording from their mutual acquaintance.
"Greetings, friends! If you’re watching this, it’s because I’ve experienced an unexpected shutdown—in organic terms, I’m dead."
The discovery of their friend’s unexpected murder turns these strangers into a crew of unlikely investigators. To find the killer, they’ll need to outrun murderous robots, outwit clever foes, and analyze perplexing clues—all while wondering if they’re hunting the murderer, or if the murderer is hunting them! The streets of Striving can be an unforgiving place, and the investigators will need all their skills, resources—and no small amount of luck—to come out ahead, solve the murder, find the killer’s hideout, and bring them to justice!
Murder in Metal City is a deluxe introductory boxed set adventure for four 1st-level Starfinder Second Edition characters containing numerous tools to assist GMs, including player and creature tokens, an immersive poster-sized double-sided battle map, investigation handouts, item cards, NPC cards, and a GM reference sheet and investigation tracker—everything required for a premium adventure experience!
Murder in Metal City features:
- Six new pregenerated characters with player handouts, one for each class from the Starfinder Player Core.
- A double-sided tactical Starfinder Flip-Mat featuring key locations from the adventure.
- Articles about the machine planet Aballon and the megaplex city of Striving.
- One new playable alien ancestry: khizars, the plant-like protectors of Aballon’s jungle-filled Ice Wells.
- An article detailing the tech faiths of the Starfinder universe, from deities like Triune and Lambatuin to the unique philosophies of the robotic anacites.
- Multiple pages of creature stat blocks and NPC descriptions for the combat and roleplaying encounters in the adventure.