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Damien Mammoliti

From StarfinderWiki
Damien Mammoliti

Edmonton, Canada
Artist and illustrator
PFW compass rose 150.png

This article might have further canon details available on PathfinderWiki.

Damien Mammoliti is a Canadian freelance artist and illustrator from Edmonton, Canada, who has contributed to countless Paizo Inc. titles.

Starfinder credits

Art credits

Full Adventure Paths noted in bold Cartography unless noted otherwise

Title Date Notes
Core Rulebook 1708 August 2017 Interior art
Dead Suns 1708 August 2017
Fugitive on the Red Planet 1708 August 2017 SFS #01-02
Into the Unknown 1708 August 2017 SFS Quest #1
Basic Terrain Flip-Mat 1708 August 2017
Basic Starfield Flip-Mat 1708 August 2017
Cantina Flip-Mat 1710 October 2017
Solar Sortie, TheThe Solar Sortie 1712 December 2017 SFS #01-07
Starship Flip-Mat 1712 December 2017
Urban Sprawl Flip-Mat 1801 January 2018
Pact Worlds 1803 March 2018
Space Station Flip-Mat (2018) 1803 March 2018
Ashes of Discovery 1804 April 2018 SFS #01-12
On the Trail of History 1804 April 2018 SFS #01-13
Star Sugar Heartlove!!! 1805 May 2018 SFS #01-14
Starship: Sunrise Maiden Flip-Mat 1805 May 2018
Dreaming of the Future 1806 June 2018 SFS #01-16
To Conquer the Dragon 1807 July 2018 SFS #01-19
Against the Aeon Throne 1808 August 2018
Scoured Stars Invasion, TheThe Scoured Stars Invasion 1808 August 2018 SFS #01-99
Asteroid Flip-Mat 1808 August 2018
Duskmire Accord 9 1808 August 2018 SFS #01-20
Dead Suns Pawn Collection 1809 September 2018 Pawn art
Ghost Ship Flip-Mat 1809 September 2018
Siege of Enlightenment 1810 October 2018 SFS #01-24
Beacon Code Dilemma, TheThe Beacon Code Dilemma 1810 October 2018 SFS #01-25
Signal of Screams 1811 November 2018
Truth of the Seeker 1811 November 2018 SFS #01-26
King Xeros of Star Azlant 1811 November 2018 SFS #01-27
Hospital Flip-Mat 1811 November 2018
It Rests Beneath 1812 December 2018 SFS #01-28
Honorbound Emissaries 1812 December 2018 SFS #01-29
Jungle World Flip-Mat 1901 January 2019
Dawn of Flame 1902 February 2019
Acts of Association 1902 February 2019 SFS #01-32
Rasheen's Riches 1903 March 2019 SFS #01-35
Warship Flip-Mat 1903 March 2019
Game Master's Guide"Game Master's Guide" 1904 April 2019 Beginner Box. Interior art
Hero's Handbook"Hero's Handbook" 1904 April 2019 Beginner Box. Interior art
Enter the Ashen Asteroid 1904 April 2019 SFS #01-36
Many Minds of Historia, TheThe Many Minds of Historia 1905 May 2019 SFS #01-38
Herald's War, TheThe Herald's War 1905 May 2019 SFS #01-39
Spaceport Flip-Mat 1905 May 2019
Pact World Warriors 1906 June 2019 SFS #02-01
Attack of the Swarm! 1908 August 2019
Meeting of Queens 1908 August 2019 SFS #02-05
Ice World Flip-Mat 1908 August 2019
Four for the First 1909 September 2019 SFS #02-07
Sangoro's Gifts 1909 September 2019 SFS #02-08
Starliner Flip-Mat 1909 September 2019
Corporate Interests 1910 October 2019 SFS #02-10
Undercity Flip-Mat 1911 November 2019
Infernal Gallery, TheThe Infernal Gallery 2001 January 2020 SFS #02-15
Dead World Flip-Mat 2001 January 2020
Threefold Conspiracy, TheThe Threefold Conspiracy 2002 February 2020
Cost of Living 2002 February 2020 SFS #02-17
Forbidden Tides 2002 February 2020 SFS #02-18
Near Space 2003 March 2020 Interior art
Truth Keepers 2003 March 2020 SFS #02-19
Starfinder Society Starships Flip-Mat 2003 March 2020
Illegal Shipment 2004 April 2020 SFS #02-21
Attack of the Swarm! Pawn Collection 2004 April 2020 Pawn art
Edge of Cadascon, TheThe Edge of Cadascon 2005 May 2020 SFS #02-24
Stadium Flip-Mat 2005 May 2020
Crash Down 2006 June 2020 SFS #03-01
Last Bite, TheThe Last Bite 2007 July 2020 SFS #03-00
Shimmerstone Gateway, TheThe Shimmerstone Gateway 2007 July 2020 SFS #03-03
Desert World Flip-Mat 2007 July 2020
Devastation Ark, TheThe Devastation Ark 2008 August 2020
Hivemarket Heist, TheThe Hivemarket Heist 2008 August 2020 SFS #03-05
Rise of the Vault Lord 2008 August 2020 SFS #03-06
Strike at Zone 78 2009 September 2020 SFS #03-07
Giant Starship Flip-Mat 2009 September 2020
Freeing the Herd 2010 October 2020 SFS #03-09
Live Adventure Extreme! 2010 October 2020 SFS #03-10
Fly Free or Die 2011 November 2020
Into the Veskarium 2011 November 2020 SFS #03-11
First Flight 2011 November 2020 SFS #03-12
Transport Hub Flip-Mat 2011 November 2020
Silence at Outpost 634 2012 December 2020 SFS #03-13
Preluria Connection, TheThe Preluria Connection 2101 January 2021 SFS #03-15
Fast Choices 2101 January 2021 SFS #03-16
Planetary Atmosphere Flip-Mat 2101 January 2021
Clone Batch Catastrophe 2102 February 2021 SFS #03-17
Secrets in Stillness 2102 February 2021 SFS #03-18
Rat's Repentance 2103 March 2021 SFS #03-19
Solar Temple Flip-Mat 2103 March 2021
Renewal's Blight 2104 April 2021 SFS #03-21
Dancing at the Edge 2104 April 2021 SFS #03-22
For the Factions 2105 May 2021 SFS Intro #2
Year of the Data Scourge 2105 May 2021 SFS Season 4 Intro
Settling Accounts 2106 June 2021 SFS #04-02
Battle for the Beacon 2106 June 2021 SFS #04-03
Crashed Starship Flip-Mat 2106 June 2021
Horizons of the Vast 2107 July 2021 Additional interior art on Allies Against the Eye
Mission Not Found 2107 July 2021 SFS #04-04
Waltz Through Myriad Worlds, AA Waltz Through Myriad Worlds 2107 July 2021 SFS #04-05
Prelude to Revolution 2108 August 2021 SFS #04-06
Fly Free or Die Pawn Collection 2108 August 2021 Pawn art
Forest Moon Flip-Mat 2108 August 2021
Perils of the Past 2109 September 2021 SFS #03-99
Precious Cargo 2109 September 2021 SFS #04-08
Through Sea and Storm 2110 October 2021 SFS #04-09
Way In, TheThe Way In 2110 October 2021 SFS #04-10
Space Colony Flip-Mat 2110 October 2021
Lava World Flip-Mat 2111 November 2021
Festive Operation, AA Festive Operation 2112 December 2021 SFS #04-12
Cantina Job, TheThe Cantina Job 2201 January 2022 Bounty #1
Feuding Faiths 2203 March 2022 PFS 2e #04-15
Test Flight 2203 March 2022 Bounty #2
Casino Flip-Mat 2203 March 2022
Water World Flip-Mat 2203 March 2022
Hope for the Future 2204 April 2022 SFS #04-16
Green Place, AA Green Place 2204 April 2022 Bounty #3
Drift Crisis Flip-Mat 2205 May 2022
Year of Redemption's Rise 2206 June 2022 SFS #05-01
Road to Reconciliation 2206 June 2022 SFS #05-02
Drift Crashers 2206 June 2022 Also interior art on Masters of Time and Space
Fugue of the Traitor 2206 June 2022 SFS #05-03
Fragment of the 4th 2206 June 2022 SFS #05-04
Redshift Rally 2207 July 2022
Poacher's Prize 2207 July 2022 Bounty #4
Star Knight Starships Flip-Mat 2207 July 2022
Historia's Holdout 2208 August 2022 SFS #05-06
Planar Bloom 2208 August 2022 SFS #05-07
Star Sugar Superstar!!! 2209 September 2022 SFS #05-08
Space Station Promenade Flip-Mat 2209 September 2022
Counterfeit History 2210 October 2022 PFS 2e #05-09
Shadow of the Vault Lord 2210 October 2022 SFS #05-10
Echoes of Woe 2210 October 2022 Bounty #5
Metropolis Flip-Mat 2211 November 2022
Drift Hackers 2212 December 2022 Also interior art on A Light in the Dark
Envar's Expeditions 2212 December 2022 SFS #05-12
Songbird Rescue 2212 December 2022 Bounty #6 cover and interior art
Finding the Forgotten 2301 January 2023 SFS #05-13
Basic Terrain Flip-Mat Multi-Pack 2301 January 2023
Clockwork Demons 2302 February 2023 Drift Hackers #2
Ghost Level Delve 2302 February 2023 SFS #05-14
Voyage on the River Between 2302 February 2023 Bounty #7
Amusement Park Flip-Mat 2303 March 2023
To Catch a King 2304 April 2023 SFS #05-15
Lost Dragon's Legacy 2304 April 2023 Bounty #8 cover and interior art
Ports of Call 2305 May 2023
Year of Fortune's Fall 2305 May 2023 SFS #06-01
Drift Scars 2305 May 2023 SFS #06-02
Enormous Battlefield Flip-Mat 2305 May 2023
Project Dawn 2306 June 2023 SFS #06-03
Secrets Long Submerged 2306 June 2023 SFS #06-04
Unearthing Ulumbia 2308 August 2023 SFS #06-05
Tomorrow's Seekers 2308 August 2023 SFS #06-06
Grav Trains Flip-Mat 2308 August 2023
Mining Operation Flip-Mat 2309 September 2023
Race for the Dustwarren Cup 2309 September 2023 SFS #06-07
Lost Revelry 2310 October 2023 SFS #06-08
Ridgerock Rescue 2310 October 2023 SFS #06-09
Death of Kortus IV, TheThe Death of Kortus IV 2311 November 2023 SFS #06-10
Those Who Were Taken 2311 November 2023 Bounty #10
Living Starships Flip-Mat 2311 November 2023
Gifts Ungiven 2312 December 2023 SFS #06-11
Scoured Stars 2401 January 2024
Yesteryear's Hope 2401 January 2024 SFS #06-12
Aucturn Dilemma, TheThe Aucturn Dilemma 2401 January 2024 Bounty #11
Data Center Flip-Mat 2401 January 2024
Extraction from Azlanti Space 2403 March 2024 SFS #06-15
Under Pressure 2403 March 2024 SF Bounty #12
Shopping Mall Flip-Mat 2403 March 2024
Mechageddon! 2405 May 2024
Dawning Fate 2405 May 2024 SFS #06-16
Year of Era's End 2405 May 2024 SFS Season 7 Introduction Scenario
Zo! vs. Zo 2405 May 2024 SFS #07-02
End Awakens, TheThe End Awakens 2408 August 2024 SFS #06-99
Corporate Office Flip-Mat 2409 September 2024
See also: Category:Artwork by Damien Mammoliti


See also: Category:Artwork by Damien Mammoliti