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Miroslav Petrov

From StarfinderWiki
Miroslav Petrov

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PFW compass rose 150.png

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Miroslav Petrov is a freelance artist who has contributed to Paizo Inc.

Starfinder Credits

Art Credits

Title Date Notes
Core Rulebook 1708 August 2017
Incident at Absalom Station 1708 August 2017 Dead Suns #1
Alien Archive 1710 October 2017
First Mandate, TheThe First Mandate 1710 October 2017 SFS #01-05
Alien Archive Pawn Box 1711 November 2017
Live Exploration Extreme! 1802 February 2018 SFS #01-09
In Pursuit of the Scoured Past 1803 March 2018 SFS #01-11
On the Trail of History 1804 April 2018 SFS #01-13
Star Sugar Heartlove!!! 1805 May 2018 SFS #01-14
Pact Worlds Pawn Collection 1805 May 2018
Reclaiming the Time-Lost Tear 1806 June 2018 SFS #01-17
To Conquer the Dragon 1807 July 2018 SFS #01-19
Scoured Stars Invasion, TheThe Scoured Stars Invasion 1808 August 2018 SFS #01-99 convention special
Dead Suns Pawn Collection 1809 September 2018
Honorbound Emissaries 1812 December 2018 SFS #01-29
Heart of the Foe 1903 March 2019 SFS #01-34
Game Master's Guide"Game Master's Guide" 1904 April 2019 Beginner Box.
Hero's Handbook"Hero's Handbook" 1904 April 2019 Beginner Box.
Herald's War, TheThe Herald's War 1905 May 2019 SFS #01-39
Four for the First 1909 September 2019 SFS #02-07
Data Purge 1912 December 2019 SFS #02-14
Illegal Shipment 2004 April 2020 SFS #02-21
Attack of the Swarm! Pawn Collection 2004 April 2020
Cornered Rat 2005 May 2020 SFS #02-24
Scoured Stars 2401 January 2024
End Awakens, TheThe End Awakens 2408 August 2024 SFS #06-99
See also: Category:Artwork by Miroslav Petrov


See also: Category:Artwork by Miroslav Petrov