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Sebastian Rodriguez

From StarfinderWiki
Sebastian Rodriguez

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PFW compass rose 150.png

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Sebastian "Sheppi" Rodriguez is a freelance artist who has contributed to Paizo Inc.

Starfinder Credits

Art Credits

Title Date Notes
Commencement, TheThe Commencement 1708 August 2017 SFS #01-01
First Mandate, TheThe First Mandate 1710 October 2017 SFS #01-05
Night in Nightarch, AA Night in Nightarch 1711 November 2017 SFS #01-06
Solar Sortie, TheThe Solar Sortie 1712 December 2017 SFS #01-07
Sanctuary of Drowned Delight 1801 January 2018 SFS #01-08
In Pursuit of the Scoured Past 1803 March 2018 SFS #01-11
Save the Renkrodas 1805 May 2018 SFS #01-15
To Conquer the Dragon 1807 July 2018 SFS #01-19
Yesteryear's Sorrow 1808 August 2018 SFS #01-21
Scoured Stars Invasion, TheThe Scoured Stars Invasion 1808 August 2018 SFS #01-99 convention special
Return to Sender 1809 September 2018 SFS #01-23
Beacon Code Dilemma, TheThe Beacon Code Dilemma 1810 October 2018 SFS #01-25
King Xeros of Star Azlant 1811 November 2018 SFS #01-27
Honorbound Emissaries 1812 December 2018 SFS #01-29
Alien Archive 2 Pawn Box 1902 February 2019
Rasheen's Riches 1903 March 2019 SFS #01-35
Enter the Ashen Asteroid 1904 April 2019 SFS #01-36
Siege of Civility 1904 April 2019 SFS #01-37
Many Minds of Historia, TheThe Many Minds of Historia 1905 May 2019 SFS #01-38
Pact World Warriors 1906 June 2019 SFS #02-01
Alien Archive 3 1908 August 2019
Sangoro's Lament 1908 August 2019 SFS #02-06
Tech Terrain Pawn Collection 1908 August 2019
Four for the First 1909 September 2019 SFS #02-07
Sangoro's Gifts 1909 September 2019 SFS #02-08
Huskworld 1910 October 2019 Attack of the Swarm! #3
Bluerise Breakout 1910 October 2019 SFS #02-09
Forever Reliquary, TheThe Forever Reliquary 1911 November 2019 Attack of the Swarm! #4
Descent into Verdant Shadow 1911 November 2019 SFS #02-11
Colossus Heist 1911 November 2019 SFS #02-12
Hive of Minds 1912 December 2019 Attack of the Swarm! #5
Data Purge 1912 December 2019 SFS #02-14
Scoured Home, AA Scoured Home 2001 January 2020 SFS #02-16
Chimera Mystery, TheThe Chimera Mystery 2002 February 2020 The Threefold Conspiracy #1
Cost of Living 2002 February 2020 SFS #02-17
Flight of the Sleepers 2003 March 2020 The Threefold Conspiracy #2
Truth Keepers 2003 March 2020 SFS #02-19
Alien Archive 3 Pawn Collection 2003 March 2020
Deceivers' Moon 2004 April 2020 The Threefold Conspiracy #3
Illegal Shipment 2004 April 2020 SFS #02-21
Attack of the Swarm! Pawn Collection 2004 April 2020
Hollow Cabal, TheThe Hollow Cabal 2005 May 2020 The Threefold Conspiracy #4
Cornered Rat 2005 May 2020 SFS #02-24
Cradle Infestation, TheThe Cradle Infestation 2006 June 2020 The Threefold Conspiracy #5
Subterranean Safari, TheThe Subterranean Safari 2006 June 2020 SFS #03-02
Puppets Without Strings 2007 July 2020 The Threefold Conspiracy #6
Waking the Worldseed 2008 August 2020 The Devastation Ark #1
Starstone Blockade, TheThe Starstone Blockade 2009 September 2020 The Devastation Ark #2
Strike at Zone 78 2009 September 2020 SFS #03-07
Dominion's End 2010 October 2020 The Devastation Ark #3
Threefold Conspiracy Pawn Collection, TheThe Threefold Conspiracy Pawn Collection 2010 October 2020
We're No Heroes 2011 November 2020 Fly Free or Die #1
Fly Free or Die Player's Guide 2012 December 2020
Merchants of the Void 2012 December 2020 Fly Free or Die #2
Professional Courtesy 2101 January 2021 Fly Free or Die #3
Fast Choices 2101 January 2021 SFS #03-16
White Glove Affair, TheThe White Glove Affair 2102 February 2021 Fly Free or Die #4
Secrets in Stillness 2102 February 2021 SFS #03-18
Devastation Ark Pawn Collection, TheThe Devastation Ark Pawn Collection 2102 February 2021
Crash and Burn 2103 March 2021 Fly Free or Die #5
Rat's Repentance 2103 March 2021 SFS #03-19 cover and interior art
Everchanging Revelation 2103 March 2021 SFS #03-20 cover and interior art
Dancing at the Edge 2104 April 2021 SFS #03-22 cover art
Year of the Data Scourge 2105 May 2021 SFS Season 4 Intro
Battle for the Beacon 2106 June 2021 SFS #04-03
Gilded Cage, TheThe Gilded Cage 2107 July 2021 Fly Free or Die #6
Planetfall 2107 July 2021 Horizons of the Vast #1
Fly Free or Die Pawn Collection 2108 August 2021
Perils of the Past 2109 September 2021 SFS #03-99
Serpents in the Cradle 2110 October 2021 Horizons of the Vast #2
Starfinder Four vs. The Hardlight Harlequin, TheThe Starfinder Four vs. The Hardlight Harlequin 2110 October 2021 Free RPG Day
Whispers of the Eclipse 2111 November 2021 Horizons of the Vast #3
Rasheen's Remembrance 2202 February 2022 SFS #04-14
Icebound 2203 March 2022 Horizons of the Vast #4
Feuding Faiths 2203 March 2022 PFS 2e #04-15
Hope for the Future 2204 April 2022 SFS #04-16
Year of Redemption's Rise 2206 June 2022 SFS #05-01
Road to Reconciliation 2206 June 2022 SFS #05-02
Fugue of the Traitor 2206 June 2022 SFS #05-03 cover and interior art
Skitter Warp 2206 June 2022 Free RPG Day
Fragment of the 4th 2206 June 2022 SFS #05-04
Redshift Rally 2207 July 2022
Historia's Holdout 2208 August 2022 PFS 2e #05-06
Planar Bloom 2208 August 2022 SFS #05-07
Star Sugar Superstar!!! 2209 September 2022 SFS #05-08
Envar's Expeditions 2212 December 2022 SFS #05-12
Finding the Forgotten 2301 January 2023 SFS #05-13
Ghost Level Delve 2302 February 2023 SFS #05-14
To Catch a King 2304 April 2023 SFS #05-16
Year of Fortune's Fall 2305 May 2023 SFS #06-01
Drift Scars 2305 May 2023 SFS #06-02
Project Dawn 2306 June 2023 SFS #06-03
Secrets Long Submerged 2306 June 2023 SFS #06-04
Race for the Dustwarren Cup 2309 September 2023 SFS #06-07
Ridgerock Rescue 2310 October 2023 SFS #06-09
Death of Kortus IV, TheThe Death of Kortus IV 2311 November 2023 SFS #06-10
Gifts Ungiven 2312 December 2023 SFS #06-11
Scoured Stars 2401 January 2024
Extraction from Azlanti Space 2403 March 2024 SFS #06-15
Zo! vs. Zo 2405 May 2024 SFS #07-02
End Awakens, TheThe End Awakens 2408 August 2024 SFS #06-99
See also: Category:Artwork by Sebastian Rodriguez


See also: Category:Artwork by Sebastian Rodriguez