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Maja Đeke

From StarfinderWiki
Maja Đeke

Los Angeles, United States of America
Freelance Illustrator
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Maja Đeke is a freelance illustrator based in Los Angeles, United States of America. Her work can often be found published under the transliteration Maja Djeke.

Starfinder Credits

Art Credits

Title Date Notes
Dead Suns Pawn Collection 1809 September 2018
Alien Archive 2 Pawn Box 1902 February 2019
Signal of Screams Pawn Collection 1904 April 2019
Alien Archive 3 1908 August 2019
Alien Archive 3 Pawn Collection 2003 March 2020
Lost Revelry 2310 October 2023 SFS 1e #06-08
See also: Category:Artwork by Maja Đeke


See also: Category:Artwork by Maja Đeke