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Joan Hong

From StarfinderWiki
Joan Hong

Customer Service (2019–2020)
PFW compass rose 150.png

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Joan Hong is a former Paizo customer service team member, though Hong continues to contribute to Paizo Inc. as a freelance writer.

Starfinder Credits

Adventure Credits

Title Date Notes
Planar Bloom 2208 August 2022 SFS #05-07
Day the River Died, TheThe Day the River Died 2408 August 2024 SFS #07-05
See also: Category:Works by Joan Hong

Sourcebook Credits

Title Date Notes
Alien Archive 4 2012 December 2020
Galaxy Exploration Manual 2106 June 2021
Tech Revolution 2109 September 2021
Galactic Magic 2201 January 2022
Drift Crisis 2205 May 2022
Interstellar Species 2211 November 2022
Ports of Call 2305 May 2023
Starfinder Enhanced 2310 October 2023
See also: Category:Works by Joan Hong