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Dennis Muldoon

From StarfinderWiki
Dennis Muldoon

Freelance writer
PFW compass rose 150.png

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Dennis Muldoon is a freelance writer who has contributed to Paizo Inc.

Starfinder Credits

Adventure Credits

Title Date Notes
Alien Archives 32"Alien Archives" #32 2009 September 2020 The Starstone Blockade, 54.
Way In, TheThe Way In 2110 October 2021 SFS #04-10
Starship: Elion Explorer"Starship: Elion Explorer" 2111 November 2021 Whispers of the Eclipse, inside front cover.
Adventure Toolbox 42"Adventure Toolbox" #42 2111 November 2021 Whispers of the Eclipse, 46.
Finding the Forgotten 2301 January 2023 SFS #05-13
Chains of Fame"Chains of Fate" 2405 May 2024 Mechageddon!, 44.
See also: Category:Works by Dennis Muldoon

Sourcebook Credits

Title Date Notes
Galactic Magic 2201 January 2022
Drift Crisis 2205 May 2022
Ports of Call 2305 May 2023
See also: Category:Works by Dennis Muldoon