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The Way In

From StarfinderWiki
Starfinder Society Scenario #4-10: The Way In
Cover Image
Book - Starfinder Society scenario

The Way In, a Starfinder Society scenario written by Dennis Muldoon for Tier 5-8, was released on October 27, 2021.

Working closely with the Exo-Guardians, a team of Starfinders tracks down, scouts, and battles a fleet of enemy ships implicated in the Data Scourge attacks. Will this maneuver be the turning point in the conflict, or will the Starfinders' bold actions inflict dire consequences on the Society?

Scenario overview

  • Metaplot (Data Scourge)
  • Starship

Scenarios in the Data Scourge metaplot include:

  1. Season 4 Intro Year of the Data Scourge
  2. #4-03 Battle for the Beacon
  3. #4-07 A Haven for Scourged Machines
  4. #4-10 The Way In
  5. #4-11 A World's Ambition
  6. #4-13 Hard Reset
  7. #4-15 Feuding Faiths
  8. #4-16 Hope for the Future

Map support

The following map products are used in this scenario: