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Corporate Interests

From StarfinderWiki
Starfinder Society Scenario #2-10: Corporate Interests
Cover Image
Book - Starfinder Quest

Corporate Interests, a series of five Starfinder Society quests written by Joseph Blomquist, Thurston Hillman, Emily Parks, Sam Phelan, and Diego Valdez for Tier 3-6, was released on October 30, 2019.

When agents aren't travelling across the galaxy in search of ancient civilizations, the Starfinder Society often sends its agents to showcase their skills with various Pact Worlds corporations. Each of these adventures showcase different roles the Starfinder Society takes in the corporate world. From testing out new firearms and starships, to battling escaped outsiders used as corporate experiments, the PCs have the perfect chance to showcase their skills!

Corporate Interests includes five, 1-hour adventures that involve AbadarCorp, Arabani Arms, Frozen Trove, Resurgent Technologies, and Sanjaval Spaceflight Systems.


p. 4
Frozen Trove
p. 7
Resurgent Technologies
p. 13
Sanjaval Spaceflight Systems
p. 17
Arabani Arms
p. 21

Scenario overview

  • Quest
  • Repeatable
  • Starship

Map support

The following map products are used in this scenario: