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Sean Macdonald

From StarfinderWiki
Sean Macdonald

United States
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PFW compass rose 150.png

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Sean Macdonald is a freelance artist who has contributed to Paizo Inc., being primarily responsible for custom maps in Pathfinder Society publications.

Starfinder Credits

Art Credits

All cartography

Title Date Notes
Claim to Salvation 1708 August 2017 SFS #01-00
Fugitive on the Red Planet 1708 August 2017 SFS #01-02
Cries From the Drift 1709 September 2017 SFS #01-04
First Mandate, TheThe First Mandate 1710 October 2017 SFS #01-05
Night in Nightarch, AA Night in Nightarch 1711 November 2017 SFS #01-06
Solar Sortie, TheThe Solar Sortie 1712 December 2017 SFS #01-07
Perils of the Past 2109 September 2021 SFS #03-99
Through Sea and Storm 2110 October 2021 SFS #04-09
Way In, TheThe Way In 2110 October 2021 SFS #04-10
World's Ambition, AA World's Ambition 2111 November 2021 SFS #04-11
Hard Reset 22XX Janaury 2022 SFS #04-13
Rasheen's Remembrance 2202 February 2022 SFS #04-14
Road to Reconciliation 2206 June 2022 SFS #05-02
Secrets Long Submerged 2306 June 2023 SFS #06-04
Dawning Fate 2405 May 2024 SFS #06-16
End Awakens, TheThe End Awakens 2408 August 2024 SFS #06-99
See also: Category:Artwork by Sean Macdonald


See also: Category:Artwork by Sean Macdonald