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Rob Lazzaretti

From StarfinderWiki
Rob Lazzaretti

Denver, CO
PFW compass rose 150.png

This article might have further canon details available on PathfinderWiki.

Robert Lazzaretti started as an intern at GDW. Rob took on illustrating all of the maps because no one else in the art department really enjoyed drawing them. After working on Dangerous Journeys, Traveller, Twilight 2000 and Challenge Magazine for a couple of years, Rob was hired by TSR to join the Cartography Department. Almost immediately, Rob was put to the task of designing maps for the new Planescape setting. Over the years he has worked on many product lines for TSR. Currently he works as a full time freelance cartographer and lives in Denver, Colorado with his wife and two children.

At over 400 bylines for his cartography work, Lazzaretti has the most credited work of any contributor to Paizo.

Starfinder Credits

Art Credits

All cartography

Title Date Notes
First Contact 1706 June 2017 Free RPG Day
Core Rulebook 1708 August 2017
Commencement, TheThe Commencement 1708 August 2017 SFS #01-01
Yesteryear's Truth 1708 August 2017 SFS #01-03
Solar Sortie, TheThe Solar Sortie 1712 December 2017 SFS #01-07
Sanctuary of Drowned Delight 1801 January 2018 SFS #01-08
Half-Alive Streets, TheThe Half-Alive Streets 1803 March 2018 SFS #01-10
In Pursuit of the Scoured Past 1803 March 2018 SFS #01-11
Ashes of Discovery 1804 April 2018 SFS #01-12
On the Trail of History 1804 April 2018 SFS #01-13
Star Sugar Heartlove!!! 1805 May 2018 SFS #01-14
Save the Renkrodas 1805 May 2018 SFS #01-15
Skitter Shot 1806 June 2018 Free RPG Day
Reclaiming the Time-Lost Tear 1806 June 2018 SFS #01-17
Blackmoon Survey, TheThe Blackmoon Survey 1807 July 2018 SFS #01-18
To Conquer the Dragon 1807 July 2018 SFS #01-19
Scoured Stars Invasion, TheThe Scoured Stars Invasion 1808 August 2018 SFS #01-99
Duskmire Accord 9 1808 August 2018 SFS #01-20
Yesteryear's Sorrow 1808 August 2018 SFS #01-21
Protectorate Petition, TheThe Protectorate Petition 1809 September 2018 SFS #01-22
Return to Sender 1809 September 2018 SFS #01-23
Beacon Code Dilemma, TheThe Beacon Code Dilemma 1810 October 2018 SFS #01-25
King Xeros of Star Azlant 1811 November 2018 SFS #01-27
Honorbound Emissaries 1812 December 2018 SFS #01-29
Survivor's Salvation 1901 January 2019 SFS #01-30
Heart of the Foe 1903 March 2019 SFS #01-34
Many Minds of Historia, TheThe Many Minds of Historia 1905 May 2019 SFS #01-38
Skitter Crash 1906 June 2019 Free RPG Day
Pact World Warriors 1906 June 2019 SFS #02-01
Waking the Past 1906 June 2019 SFS #02-02
Withering World, TheThe Withering World 1908 August 2019 SFS #02-03
Future's Fall 1908 August 2019 SFS #02-04
Meeting of Queens 1908 August 2019 SFS #02-05
Sangoro's Lament 1908 August 2019 SFS #02-06
Bluerise Breakout 1910 October 2019 SFS #02-09
Descent into Verdant Shadow 1911 November 2019 SFS #02-11
Colossus Heist 1911 November 2019 SFS #02-12
Storm of the End Times 1912 December 2019 SFS #02-13
Data Purge 1912 December 2019 SFS #02-14
Infernal Gallery, TheThe Infernal Gallery 2001 January 2020 SFS #02-15
Scoured Home, AA Scoured Home 2001 January 2020 SFS #02-16
Forbidden Tides 2002 February 2020 SFS #02-18
Flight of the Sleepers 2003 March 2020 The Threefold Conspiracy #2
Shades of Spite 2003 March 2020 SFS #02-20
Deceivers' Moon 2004 April 2020 The Threefold Conspiracy #3
Illegal Shipment 2004 April 2020 SFS #02-21
Rasheen's Reception 2004 April 2020 SFS #02-22
Hollow Cabal, TheThe Hollow Cabal 2005 May 2020 The Threefold Conspiracy #4
Cornered Rat 2005 May 2020 SFS #02-24
Cradle Infestation, TheThe Cradle Infestation 2006 June 2020 The Threefold Conspiracy #5
Subterranean Safari, TheThe Subterranean Safari 2006 June 2020 SFS #03-02
Puppets Without Strings 2007 July 2020 The Threefold Conspiracy #6
Skitter Home 2007 July 2020 Free RPG Day
Last Bite, TheThe Last Bite 2007 July 2020 SFS #03-00
Waking the Worldseed 2008 August 2020 The Devastation Ark #1
Darkside Depository, TheThe Darkside Depository 2009 September 2020 SFS #03-08
Dominion's End 2010 October 2020 The Devastation Ark #3
We're No Heroes 2011 November 2020 Fly Free or Die #1
Merchants of the Void 2012 December 2020 Fly Free or Die #2
Professional Courtesy 2101 January 2021 Fly Free or Die #3
White Glove Affair, TheThe White Glove Affair 2102 February 2021 Fly Free or Die #4
Crash and Burn 2103 March 2021 Fly Free or Die #5
Everchanging Revelation 2103 March 2021 SFS #03-20
Band on the Run 2105 May 2021 One-Shot #1
Gilded Cage, TheThe Gilded Cage 2107 July 2021 Fly Free or Die #6
Planetfall 2107 July 2021 Horizons of the Vast #1
Haven for Scourged Machines, AA Haven for Scourged Machines 2108 August 2021 SFS #04-07 cover
Serpents in the Cradle 2110 October 2021 Horizons of the Vast #2
Starfinder Four vs. The Hardlight Harlequin, TheThe Starfinder Four vs. The Hardlight Harlequin 2110 October 2021 Free RPG Day
Whispers of the Eclipse 2111 November 2021 Horizons of the Vast #3
Great Grav Train Robbery, TheThe Great Grav Train Robbery 2111 November 2021 One-Shot #2
System Takedown 2203 March 2022 One-Shot #3
Hope for the Future 2204 April 2022 SFS #04-16
Fugue of the Traitor 2206 June 2022 SFS #05-03
Before the Storm 2206 June 2022 One-Shot #4
Skitter Warp 2206 June 2022 Free RPG Day
Redshift Rally 2207 July 2022
Historia's Holdout 2208 August 2022 SFS #05-06
To Defy the Dragon 2211 November 2022
Drift Crisis Case Files 2303 March 2023
Beta Test 2303 March 2023 SFS #05-15
Project Dawn 2306 June 2023 SFS #06-03
Unearthing Ulumbia 2308 August 2023 SFS #06-05
Ridgerock Rescue 2310 October 2023 SFS #06-09
Scoured Stars 2401 January 2024
Extraction from Azlanti Space 2403 March 2024 SFS #06-15
Mechageddon! 2405 May 2024
See also: Category:Artwork by Rob Lazzaretti


See also: Category:Artwork by Rob Lazzaretti