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The Renewal
(artificial) 1.5
Year length (PST)
4 years
Day length (PST)
27 hours
Source: Core Rulebook, pg(s). 446-447

93% kasatha, 7% other
Source: Pact Worlds, pg(s). 70

The Idari is a massive kasathan generation, sub-light-speed starship located in the Pact Worlds system, orbiting the sun between orbits of Verces and the Diaspora. It originated from the planet Kasath and travelled to the Pact Worlds system, arriving in 240 AG. It is largely inhabited by kasathas and is a full member of the Pact Worlds. 1


The Idari's artificial gravity is provided by the rotation of a central, hollow cylinder, called the Drum. The Drum is around 2.5 miles long, has a radius of 0.25 miles, and slightly tapers at each end. Its interior surface holds both urban areas and micro-ecosystems maintained by magic, technology, and simple biology; its builders recognised that plants require less upkeep than oxygen recyclers. 2

In the central parts of the Drum's surface are forests and grasslands, similar to Kasath's oases, which provide both oxygen and psychological benefits. Near its ends, the Drum narrows and the floor rises up; these regions emulate old Kasath's deserts. Farther up, the slopes become cliffs. 3

There are three bodies of water on the Drum: the Sternward Reservoir and Foreshore, which are busy, and the Lake of Memories, which is untouched except for the Pillar of the Homeworld, a visual reminder of Kasath. Two sets of small ponds exist as well: the tame, lightly forested, comfortable Lower Lakes, and the wild, isolated Upper Lakes. 3

Most of the Idari’s traditional and hydroponic agriculture is carried out in subsidiary farm pods outside the Drum. 4


A zero-gravity transport tube called the Hub connects to the interior surface of the Drum via elevator spurs located in all major areas of the Idari. The bridge and combat stations are located at the far fore of the ship, while the engines are at the aft, near the engineering bay, although they have been inactive for decades. Their energies have been rerouted to the nearby Crucibles, an advanced state-run manufacturing sector that produces starships, electronics, and nanotechnology. Other areas vital to the ship's function are scattered and accessible only to the crew. 45


Solar collectors on the Idari's hull collect light that is transferred to the interior of the ship for illumination. Each artificial day is 27 hours long, divided into three nine-hour shifts. At both ends of the Idari are multiple airlocks, including large access points needed to automatically move goods to and from the ship's factories. 4


The inhabited parts of the Drum are divided into sectors, each centred around an urban centre. They are named: 3


Almolar is largely an open air market, and is crisscrossed by several small rivers. Its densely populated domes surround an open-air marketplace and are reminiscent of the oasis settlements of Kasath. The domes are filled with garden-passageways so residents of Almolar are always surrounded by lush plant life. 3 Most of the humans who reside on the Idari live here, as they prefer Alomar's verdant nature, and many of them work as merchants in its markets. 4

Paradise Village

Paradise Village is the major urban relaxation destination for kasathas of the Idari. It is a domed area that receives a number of rivers and streams flowing in from Heravex down to the Sternward Reservoir. Built around these flows are a large amount of buildings in traditional Kasath architecture, from market squares to humble dwellings, interspersed with a profusion of kasathan flora. Kasatha find being this close to their ancestral society speaks to something deep within them in a way the habitation towers and natural preserves can’t imitate. No Hub elevators connect directly to Paradise Village. It is accessible only via corridors painted with murals of Kasath landscapes. 6

Outlands Markets

The outskirts of Almolar contain the Outland Markets, the primary home of non-kasathas on the Idari. The modest architecture of the underlying structures is decorated heavily to catch the eye of visitors, made up of small buildings, tightly-crammed stalls, wide bazaars, and pavilion tents stretching as far as can be seen. It is often traveled by people of many different species and cultures. The merchants of the Outland Markets run the gamut of Pact World species and even include some from farther afield. A thriving human community has carved a niche for itself in the neighborhood and has become tight-knit due to members’ shared inability to fully understand the intricate cultural ecosystem of the Idari’s kasathas. 78


Brispex is the spiritual center of the Idari, home to temples and churches of many faiths from Kasath, as well as a few newer ones. Its most prominent feature is the Sholar Adat, a cathedral-like spire that stretches nearly to the Hub and which acts as a cemetary, library, and temple. 3


Gesilad is populated by kasathas dedicated to preserving the knowledge of their home world no matter where its children might roam. Most of the population of Gesilad lives underground, which causes this sector to look like one expansive garden on a hill punctuated by temples, reflective pools and ceremonial spaces. 3


Heravex, where military barracks lie, is built on a highland ridge in the style of one of Kasath’s military installations. The land between its towers and walls is as red and dry as both Kasath and Akiton. 3


Khovi, the residential center, has habitation towers are home to nearly half of the Idari’s population, and this sector has few of the wide vistas and lush gardens of the other sectors. However, Khovi is a vibrant center of culture and entertainment, with many corridors turned into art galleries or gaming spaces. 3


Mesacand is an agricultural center featuring compact, high-tech vat-farming operations. Work at the vat farms requires more technical knowledge than sweat, but the ceremonies and traditions of kasathan subsistence farming continue, with the whole Mesacand community coming together at daybreak and dusk for elaborate communal rituals. 4


Shortly after the Gap, the witchwyrds visited Kasath and told the kasathas of Akiton, a perfect planet to colonise after they have fled their dying homeworld. Determined to settle this promised land, the kasathas began construction of the Idari, a great, slower-than-light generation ship that would take centuries to reach its destination. 9

The Idari arrived in the Pact Worlds system in 240 AG, but found that Akiton was too populous and local technology had become too advanced during their long travel, rendering an invasion risky. A diplomatic delegation from the Pact Council, backed by the entire Pact Worlds fleet, dissuaded the kasathas from their original intent of conquest. Instead, some of the kasatha emigrated peacefully to other worlds, while the Idari moved to take up an orbit around the sun between Verces and the Diaspora, and was later admitted into the Pact Worlds as a member. 2910


The Idari is governed by a traditional kasathan representative council known as a Doyenate, whose members are drawn from numerous professions and fields of study important to decision-making for the spaceship and its thousands of inhabitants. Members of the Doyenate are known as doyens, and they are seen as a type of aristocracy among the kasathas. Unlike traditional aristocracies, membership in the Doyenate is never inherited. A future doyen must be recognized by the kasathas for their accomplishments in their particular field, and are sometimes chosen against their will. 1

All doyens have a say in government decisions, but their status, both in the council and society as a whole, is based on the importance of their roles. This has led to issues in recent decades, particularly as roles like captain, crucial during the Idari's flight, gradually diminish in significance. 1

Citizen responsibilities

Idaran citizens have the freedom to travel or emigrate without restrictions. However, since maintaining the ship requires a substantial crew, many residing on the Idari work for the government. Those wanting the right to participate in the ship's government after a year must accept and train for an auxiliary crew role. While these roles are typically seen as formalities for extreme emergencies, many Idarans have professions unrelated to their reservist rank and training. 1
