Those Who Wait

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Those Who Wait

Faction of anacites
Source: Core Rulebook, pg(s). 437
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Those Who Wait are one of the two major factions of anacites living on the planet Aballon in the Pact Worlds system. The group persists in enhancing their capabilities while amassing wealth and resources. Their conviction rests on the belief that the First Ones (the mythical creators of the anacites who disappeared before the Gap) will one day return, and it is imperative for all of Aballon to be prepared to welcome them upon their arrival. They are opposed by the other major group, Those Who Become, and to a lesser extent, Those Who Create. Those Who Wait wield considerable economic power, as they control numerous mining operations in the Midnight Trenches, and control anacite corporations such as Automatrix Robotics, who build nonsentient starship AIs and servitor bots that are widely sold. They also regularly hire offworlders to explore the ancient cities of the First Ones on Aballon (that anacites are forbidden to enter) in order to recover clues about the identity of the First Ones and their goals.12


  1. Paizo Inc., et al. Core Rulebook, 436. Paizo Inc., 2017
  2. Ron Lundeen, et al. “Cults of the Galaxy” in The Blind City, 43–44. Paizo Inc., 2019