Insight Array

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Insight Array

Governing body
Source: Core Rulebook, pg(s). 437

The Insight Array is a group of AIs who govern the planet Aballon and keep the peace between the two main factions of anacites (i.e. Those Who Become and Those Who Wait). They are assisted by the Machine Court, an incredibly logical group of robotic judges who advise them on legal matters and act as the government's judiciary.1


One of the Insight Array's main functions is to guarantee access to work for all citizens and visitors. The Insight Array chooses the jobs through a series of complex algorithms that take into account the talent of the worker to contribute to the overall well-being of Aballon and its inhabitants. Anyone who accepts this job is given free housing, enough food to live on, along with enough credits to cover incidental purchases. While this post-scarcity economy attracts some to Aballon, others in the system complain about the triviality of the labor.2


  1. Paizo Inc., et al. Core Rulebook, 437. Paizo Inc., 2017
  2. Alexander Augunas, et al. Pact Worlds, 20–21. Paizo Inc., 2018