
From StarfinderWiki

Timeless is one of the nine abandoned cities of the First Ones on the planet Aballon. It sits between the anacite megaplex of Striving and the Sea of Glass near the equator. Timeless is the least-explored and best-protected of the ancient cities, guarded by robots not under the control of the local anacite population. The defensive robots are all made from expensive and rare starmetal alloys, leading some to speculate that there is an automated manufacturing facility located somewhere in Timeless. Scans of the horacalcum spires of the city from the outside are useless, and observations with the naked eye seem to give contradictory clues. No exploratory expedition into Timeless has ever returned from there, although a small number survived by retreating after being repulsed by the robotic defenders at its gates. The obvious presence of large quantities of starmetal within the city guarantees that these expeditions will continue.12
