
From StarfinderWiki

Boundless is the name of one of the nine abandoned cities left behind thousands of years ago on Aballon by the First Ones, the progenitors of the local anacites. It is located in the planet's northern hemisphere, north of the anacite megaplex Automatrix. Exploratory expeditions into Boundless have revealed that the bedrock beneath it is honeycombed with enormous underground vaults filled with gigantic gears that have not moved for millennia. Some speculate that these gears show a connection to the plane of Axis, while others claim that the entire city is a single, gigantic robotic entity that waits to be activated. The governing Insight Array is particularly interested in further study of this First Ones city, believing that these expeditions could answer many questions about the anacite progenitors.1


  1. Alexander Augunas, et al. Pact Worlds, 22–23. Paizo Inc., 2018