Preservation Front

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Preservation Front

Religious sect
Preserve physical structure of the Burning Archipelago
Source: Pact Worlds (sourcebook), pg(s). 12-13

The Preservation Front is a more radical splinter group of the Church of the Dawnflower, the church of Sarenrae in the Pact Worlds system. Its members believe that the goddess has plans to use the Burning Archipelago, a series of magically linked city-platforms in the Sun's corona, for an as-yet-unknown purpose, and that any significant modifaction of the platforms' structure will cause her designs to fail. The Preservation Front therefore advocates (so far only via diplomacy) for the Burning Archipelago to be returned to its original design and purpose, a goal that few others share or can see any sense in.1


  1. Alexander Augunas, et al. Pact Worlds, 12–13. Paizo Inc., 2018