
From StarfinderWiki

Year length (PST)
413 days
Day length (PST)
9 hours
Source: Sun Divers, pg(s). 62

Elao is a moon being transformed by shaitans from the Plane of Earth into a haven for mineral-based creatures. 1


Elao is the largest of the six moons of Irtanza, a gas giant in a solar system deep in the Vast, and was formerly covered in lush jungles. Radiating outward from a region in the southern hemisphere, the shaitans' technomagical terraforming engines are slowly crystallising Elao's flora and fauna into mineral life forms. The change also slowly thins the atmosphere, reducing the temperature and increasing radiation levels, while sprouting many kinds of minerals never seen before. 1


Elao was settled by colonists from Hathmatet, Irtanza's second largest moon, who have mostly fled back to their original home during the first few weeks of the transformation; exotic crystal formations now adorn their abandoned buildings. They have yet to find a way to slow down the change, and are unaware of the true culprits, as the shaitans carefully hid their terraforming engines under illusion magic and closely watch over them to prevent outside intervention. 1

Efreeti operatives have discovered the shaitan facilities and their plan to turn Elao into a spawning ground and genetic laboratory. They believe that the results of these experiments will eventually be unleashed during an invasion of the Plane of Fire, but have yet to find proof. 1

In order to stave off extinction, Elao's native fauna have had to become mineral-based themselves or flee to its (so far) untouched hemisphere. Many of them have been driven to desperation and dangerous behaviours due to panic and partial transformations. 1

Elao's new unique minerals have attracted numerous organisations (especially corporations) who seek a fortune in mining them, much to the shaitans' chagrin. 1


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 Joe Pasini, et al. “Codex of Worlds: Elao” in Sun Divers, 62. Paizo Inc., 2019