Zolan Ulivestra

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Zolan Ulivestra

Human (Azlanti)
Source: The Rune Drive Gambit, pg(s). 37

Zolan Ulivestra is a sardat of the Azlanti Star Empire who rules over the moon Gulta, a high-ranking member of the Imperial Vanguard Scout Corps (IVSC) and the mastermind behind an Azlanti plot to retrieve the rune drive.1


Zolan Ulivestra was the only son of Irestomae Ulivestra, a duxillar ruling over the planet Aeshar in the Danskon system. From a young age, his parents taught him ambition and loyalty to the Star Empire, enrolled him in the best schools and gave him many opportunities to succeed. Zolan graduated at the top of his class, joined the Imperial Fleet, became a high-ranking officer of the IVSC and was given Gulta to rule as a sardat.23

In 313 AG, Zolan learnt about the early pre-Drift interstellar travel attempts by the Azlanti, and was particularly fascinated by the story of the Royal Venture, whose experimental rune drive was powered by a unique aeon stone harvested from the Aeon Throne. Hoping to increase his family's standing in the eyes of the Star Imperators, he became determined to retrieve the rune drive, launched several probes along the Royal Venture's flight path, bought an asteroid in the Nys system near Gulta and turned it into a laboratory.31

When a probe crashed on Nakondis, where the signal of a powerful aeon stone could be detected, Zolan was sure that this was his target. He dispatched the Barazad, a Voidsweeper carrying a force of Aeon Guard cadets, to investigate the crash site and take over the local Pact Worlds colony, whose residents had already discovered the Royal Venture. Although this act exceeded his authority, Zolan neither asked for permission from the bureaucracy nor told his discovery to any other nobles, rightfully understanding that doing so will rob him of his glory: once he can present a working rune drive to the Aeon Throne, its benefits to the Star Empire will impress the Star Imperators enough to outweigh any of his clandestine actions.314

With the rune drive recovered, Zolan ordered his scientists to unlock its secrets, but kept the teams in separate laboratories without allowing them to compare findings out of paranoia.5


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 Ron Lundeen, et al. “The Reach of Empire” in The Reach of Empire, 4. Paizo Inc., 2018
  2. Larry Wilhelm, et al. “Continuing the Campaign” in The Rune Drive Gambit, 42. Paizo Inc., 2018
  3. 3.0 3.1 3.2 Larry Wilhelm, et al. “The Rune Drive Gambit” in The Rune Drive Gambit, 3. Paizo Inc., 2018
  4. Larry Wilhelm, et al. “The Rune Drive Gambit” in The Rune Drive Gambit, 25. Paizo Inc., 2018
  5. Larry Wilhelm, et al. “The Rune Drive Gambit” in The Rune Drive Gambit, 20. Paizo Inc., 2018