
From StarfinderWiki

Source: Dominion's End, pg(s). 61

Sivvs are a nearly-extinct species of aberrations whose empire, the Sivv Dominion, once dominated the galaxy and enslaved countless species until its collapse.1 They have mastered the effects of quantum entanglement, allowing them to access rel-state, an energy state in which objects cease to exist and vanish from reality but continue to be tied to existing objects through quantum entanglement, and can reappear anywhere in the universe.2


Sivvs have long, curving necks, grasping claws, a sturdy carapace, and several tentacles.2


Sivv ruins can be identified by experts through the ubiquity of hybrid devices and rel-state technology. Certain rooms are unreachable through mundane methods because sivvs would have accessed them while in rel-state, and storage facilities often seem impossibly small because goods can be kept in rel-state as well. Sivv facilities also had to accommodate numerous slaves from diverse species, who performed all manual and some skilled labour in sivv society.2


At its zenith, long before the Gap, the Sivv Dominion was a galactic superpower. With its superior technology, the Sivv Dominion subjugated and brainwashed numerous other species, and was rivalled only by the kishalee empire. In order to defeat the kishalee, the sivvs gambled on a superweapon known as the Stellar Degenerator. The economic challenge of building the superweapon nearly drove the Sivv Dominion to ruin, but the gamble utterly backfired when kishalee agents captured the Stellar Degenerator before the sivvs could even use it once. Having committed nearly all their resources into the Stellar Degenerator, the sivvs bankrupted, leading to the collapse of their empire. Most sivvs died at the hands of either the kishalee or those whom they once enslaved, who seized the opportunity to overthrow their masters.2

Meanwhile, the decorated sivv officer Vheiransch, commandant of a research facility on Jedarat, on the fringe of the empire, saw how the Stellar Degenerator depleted the Dominion's coffers and began to fear the worst. Focusing the facility's efforts on a colony ship to save their species in case of defeat, Vheiransch had the scientists under its command construct two massive vessels: the Ark Prime, a forward scout that could hold thousands of sivvs and served to scan for suitable places to restart the empire, and the Worldseed, which was the size of a small moon, and held terraforming machines and stasis chambers for sivv colonists and slaves alike. However, after Ark Prime launched, the sivvs' bantrid slaves launched an uprising, destroying the facility, and hijacked the Worldseed. The heavily-wounded Vheiransch uploaded part of its consciousness into Ark Prime, and has been constantly plotting to restore the Sivv Dominion.3


Sivv culture relied on sophisticated magitech that manipulated matter at the subatomic level through quantum entanglement and the properties of rel-state. Rel-state was a source of unlimited energy for sivv artificers, allowing them to transcend nature's limitations. Sivv starships, equipped with rel-space drives, routinely translated themselves from existence and back again, thousands of light years away. Logistics was simple, as an infinite amount of matter could enter rel-state and return at the end of the journey. In battle, sivv soldiers can simply enter rel-state to avoid harm and bypass barriers. In addition, motivated by the supremacy of the sivv species, they also developed magitech augmentations that granted aspects of sivv biology to slave species or enhanced their own physiology.2


  1. ↑ Ron Lundeen, et al. “Alien Archives” in Dominion's End, 61. Paizo Inc., 2020
  2. ↑ 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 Ron Lundeen, et al. “Relics of the Sivvs” in Dominion's End, 47. Paizo Inc., 2020
  3. ↑ Jenny Jarzabski, et al. “Campaign Outline” in Waking the Worldseed, 2. Paizo Inc., 2020