
From StarfinderWiki

Any (Diaspora)
Source: The Diaspora Strain, pg(s). 57

Reklans are voracious beasts, the result of sarcesian magical engineering to make their native Diaspora more habitable.1


Each reklan has two long, tentacular tails studded with sharp spikes that can be flung like darts. These tails are usually rolled up, except in combat. Two sets of small, webbed tentacles are attached just behind the reklan's mouth, which it flaps like wings. A typical reklan is 3 feet long with its tails coiled, and weighs around 90 pounds.1


Created as portable life-support systems, reklans generate a magical field habitable to most species native to the Pact Worlds, even in otherwise inhospitable environments. However, they are also voracious predators that can sense the thoughts of intelligent creatures and will relentlessly hunt and eat them, except when seriously wounded.1

Reklans live in ruins across the Diaspora which they keep free of sapient intruders, and are capable of flying through the vacuum. All reklans are hermaphroditic and usually live alone, only occasionally gathering to mate.1

Reklans can be kept docile by carefully containing them so they cannot sense the thoughts of anyone and become content to hibernate indefinitely. Many starships use them as portable habitats, but this is risky as the reklan might escape and efficiently and stealthily stalk its captors, and through such starships reklans have spread beyond the Pact Worlds.1


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 Chris S. Sims, et al. “Alien Archives” in The Diaspora Strain, 57. Paizo Inc., 2018