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The Gap

From StarfinderWiki
Starfinder: The Gap
Cover Image
Accessory - Accessory
Release date
Rule set
This article covers the joke product. For the event of the same name, see Gap.

The Gap, a Starfinder Roleplaying Game notebook, was released on April 1, 2024. It was a limited-edition, 160-page, intentionally blank hardcover book purporting to detail the history of the Gap and published as an April Fool's Day joke. Paizo released a free 128-page PDF edition on April 3, 2024.

Mind the Gap!

The Gap is a metaphysical hole torn in history. Records simply don't exist for this lost period of time. Theoretically, the Gap era could have lasted anywhere from a few years to several centuries. During this lost time, societies changed, the planet Golarion disappeared, and Absalom Station appeared with the Starstone at its core. Soon after the Gap ended, Drift travel came to the cosmos, and the golden age of interstellar exploration began.

In the Gap's aftermath, everyone in the galaxy experienced a collective amnesia. Records were scrambled as if by divine intervention or potent magic. Photographs blurred, and almanacs turned into garbled nonsense. All context for political events disappeared. Memories of loved ones, personal skills, and one's lived experience remained, but the surroundings grew murky, and specific details about dates and events vanished entirely.

This period of history is as fascinating as it is confounding. Nobody knows what caused it, and everyone has a theory. This 160-page book goes into extreme detail on the Gap, exploring the most popular explanations for what happened, reviewing datasets collected by artificial intelligences, theological treatises written by the Church of Triune, and even the wildest conspiracy theories spread on infospheres across the galaxy. Inside these pages, you might discover the hidden truth behind the Starfinder setting's greatest mystery!



Sample page

An example page from The Gap.

External links