
From StarfinderWiki

Any hills or mountains
Source: Splintered Worlds, pg(s). 56

Skreelings are the flying larval form of skreesires. They live in packs (called hosts) and lack the full psychic abilities of the adults.1


Skreelings typically stand about 3 feet tall, weigh about 30 pounds, and have a wingspan of about 3-1/2 feet. As they grow, their wings and lower legs slowly atrophy, and their tails develop into multiple ambulatory tentacles. Skreesires lack telepathy and cannot speak, only emit shrill battle cries.1


Skreelings live in hosts of siblings who pool their nascent fighting abilities together and are much stronger than individual skreelings are. They usually live on rocky planetoids with thin atmospheres, in crannies or caves within around 100 yards of their parents' territory, where the skreeling host can better protect themselves until they mature. When they reach adulthood, skreelings become too intelligent and hungry for territory that the siblings will turn on each other until the host disperses.1

Skreelings hatch from eggs laid in corpses, brush or sand. They are omnivorous and can ingest ash, metal shavings or wood if necessary.1

Occasionally, skreelings grow unable to fly but lack the mental faculty of the skreesire. These stunted mutants, called skreemules, are either killed by their siblings or escape to live as a solitary hunter.1


Skreeling infestations near settlements are uncommon and more often avoided than exterminated. Some communities even find pride in them and name geological features of the area or local businesses after the skreelings, while warning visitors about the skreeling lairs. They are quick to turn on the skreelings if they get too aggressive and hold no such love for skreesires.1


  1. ↑ 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 Amanda Hamon, et al. “Alien Archives” in Splintered Worlds, 56. Paizo Inc., 2017