
From StarfinderWiki

Any temperate
Source: Flight of the Sleepers, pg(s). 57

Linyfs are a species of mobile, invasive, aggressive but non-carnivorous plants with an unusual life cycle.1


A linyf resembles a collection of thick, translucent, tentacle-like vines surrounding a central mass. When lying in wait, the vines radiate a pleasant warmth but are sticky to the touch.1


Linyfs nourish themselves through photosynthesis, but are much more aggressive compared to other non-carnivorous plants, and attack any creatures approaching them with their vines. In doing so, they infect their victim with a disease that causes fibres to sprout from the wound, quickly closing it. As more threads burst out, the victim falls sick and feels constantly itching, then falls comatose and dies.1

Several months after maturing, a linyf propels a few dozen translucent seeds into the atmosphere with great force and speed. Most of them eventually fall down somewhere else on the same planet, except for a few that manage to achieve escape velocity, then travel alongside solar winds or attach to starships before landing on another planet to germinate, if there is enough heat, light and moisture. Linyfs are vulnerable to cold, and can easily be killed by a sudden cold wave.1


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 Owen K.C. Stephens, et al. “Alien Archives” in Flight of the Sleepers, 57. Paizo Inc., 2020