Glacial borer

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Glacial borer

Any cold (Verces)
Source: Deceivers' Moon, pg(s). 56

Glacial borers are a species of animal native to the Darkside of Verces, capable of blasting fire from their hollow tusks. Long considered to be a myth, their existence has only been recently confirmed.1


A glacial borer is covered in white or grey fur, has two beady eyes spaced apart, measures 5-1/2 feet long and weighs 225 pounds. It has a pair of hollow tusks, strong as steel and filled with numerous holes leading to a fleshy sac within the forehead that contains chemicals that generate intense heat when mixed together.1


Glacial borers melt ice and snow with their heated tusks, leaving behind smooth tunnels. They slurp up the melted material, finding sustenance from frozen plant strands and micro-organisms, leaving behind whichever does not liquefy. Explorers can search these tunnels for detritus but must be careful not to anger the glacial borers.1


Since the Xenowardens confirmed their existence, many Vercites have begun domesticating glacial borers and selling them as mining machines. However, in temperatures above freezing, glacial borers become ornery and volatile, burning and causing massive damage to institutions. Many small companies have agreed to Xenowarden regulations to treat glacial borers ethically and humanely, but conservative preservation groups have expressed concerns that the Darkside's ecosystem could be disrupted if too many glacial borers are displaced.1


  1. ↑ 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 Jason Tondro, et al. “Alien Archives” in Deceivers' Moon, 56. Paizo Inc., 2020