Crate fiend

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Crate fiend

Any land or urban (Taekah III)
Source: The Diaspora Strain, pg(s). 55

Crate fiends, properly called taekahbs, are a species of soft-shelled, acid-spitting arthropods native to the planet Taekah III. They protect themselves with scavenged shells, whether they be hollowed-out volcanic rocks and discarded shells of gastropods on their homeworld, or shipping containers on starships, space stations or other worlds (which earned them the nickname crate fiend). They breed quickly, and can smell the hidden egg caches of other crate fiends so they can fertilise them. Primarily scavengers, crate fiends usually live in hidden corners and avoid people; only the biggest ones have been known to be aggressive.1


  1. Chris S. Sims, et al. “Alien Archives” in The Diaspora Strain, 55. Paizo Inc., 2018