Writher swarm

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Writher swarm

Any temperate or warm lands
Source: The Ruined Clouds, pg(s). 60

The writher swarm is a species of mobile mould capable of infesting buildings, digesting most organic matter and implanting spores within prey.1


A writher swarm consists of thousands of pale white fungal filaments that wave slowly back and forth and are capable of piercing hide and flesh.1


A single writher spore can lie dormant for centuries until it encounters the right conditions and a modicum of organic material to attach to and multiply. It becomes mobile after a few weeks to seek more food. Even if a writher swarm is discovered and destroyed, it's very difficult to detect and eradicate every last spore. Writher swarms reproduce by infesting prey with its spores, which grow rapidly and sap the host's vitality until it dies and a new writher swarm tears its way out of the corpse.1

A writher swarm can creep the narrowest crevices of a building and infest all the organic matter within, except plastic. If it infests a building for decades, it grows long, rootlike filaments that thread through the structure, alerting it as soon as new prey enters the building. This fungal framework can eventually supplant the building's structural supports, causing it to collapse when the writher swarm dies.1


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 Jason Keeley, et al. “Alien Archives” in The Ruined Clouds, 60. Paizo Inc., 2018