Rebuilt are victims of catastrophic medical accidents whose genetic codes were messed up and bodies reshaped into horrific forms.1
Rebuilt have limbs that jut in odd directions, and their flesh, usually ossified, can be turned inside out. Much of a rebuilt's organs don't perform their normal functions, like toenails that serve as visual organs.1
When a technological medical procedure goes especially awry, the patient might have their genetic codes fractured and rewritten, causing their bodies to become something that barely resembles their previous form. Rebuilt lack the capacity for higher reasoning, and their constant agony prevents them from speaking in coherent words instead of tortured screams and moans, while also making them almost immune to outside pain. Because of this and their ossified flesh, rebuilt are surprisingly resistant to physical harm. They lash out at anything in their way with their twisted limbs.1
Rebuilt are usually euthanised by horrified doctors and nurses as soon as they are created, and are most often found in ruins with unattended medical equipment or radiation- or magic-soaked places.1
- â 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 âAlien Archivesâ in The Ruined Clouds, 60. Paizo Inc., 2018 .