
From StarfinderWiki
Meta PropertyValueDescription
Has type Page
Property description An artist that worked on this book or product. (en)
Has fact type Page list This property is used to determine how a facts page is created from this.
Suggest values from Category:Artists Suggests pages from the given category in form fields for this property.

This property has 260 different values. The following are the 50 most common ones.

Damien Mammoliti211
Mark Molnar111
Sebastian Rodriguez101
Rob Lazzaretti85
Michele Giorgi83
Pixoloid Studios75
David Metzger66
Gaspar Gombos66
Orsolya Villanyi62
Janos Gardos61
Zsolt Szabados61
László Hackl58
Jason Engle56
Graey Erb51
Mirco Paganessi42
Nicolás Espinoza33
Beatrice Pelagatti28
Rogier van de Beek28
William Marton27
Alexander Nanitchkov26
Franklin Chan26
Miroslav Petrov26
Tawny Fritz26
David Melvin23
Victor Manuel Leza Moreno23
Doruk Golcu22
Jason Juta22
Javier Charro22
Leonardo Borazio21
Rodrigo Gonzalez Toledo21
Tomasz Chistowski21
Remko Troost19
Rodrigo Gallo19
Leon Tukker17
Marko Horvatin17
Sammy Khalid17
Tom Ventre17
Ainur Salimova16
Firat Solhan16
Matias Tapia16
Nathanael James15
Sean Macdonald15
Taylor Fischer15
Alyssa McCarthy14
Ben Wootten14
Mary Jane Pajaron14
Raph Lomotan14
Guilherme Olivieri13
Diana Franco Campos12
Fajareka Setiawan12
Showing 20 pages using this property.