
From StarfinderWiki

Source: Empire of Bones, pg(s). 59
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The mohrg is a dangerous and malevolent undead creature, born of mass murderers.1


A mohrg appears to be an ambulatory skeleton with a writhing, rotting mass of intestines within its rib cage or equivalent. A tendril of these intestines winds up into the mohrg's mouth, with a clawed tongue at the end. Mohrgs rarely wear clothing or armour; if they do, they leave the torso uncovered to maintain their horrific appearance and allow their tongue to attack.1


Mohrgs arise from the corpses of convicted serial killers, warmongering soldiers, or torturers. They are found singly, or in small groups, and may be accompanied by their occult zombie spawn.1

Newly created mohrgs are often overwhelmed by an urge of killing that usually trump self-preservation, but they grow more cunning as they exist, usually forming packs of predators stalking the fringes of civilisation, or joining military groups like the Corpse Fleet and take advantage of their position to slake their bloodlust.1


A mohrg fights by attacking its victims with well-aimed blows from its bony hands. It is also skilled at grasping prey struck in this fashion. However, perhaps its most dangerous weapon is its long tongue, which can paralyse those it strikes. Their bony bodies are hard to damage, and can survive a surprising amount of punishment before being reduced to dust.1

Victims killed by a mohrg rise almost instantly as occult zombies under its control. This burst of negative energy also heals the mohrg and provides it with a short burst of increased speed and reflexes. Cunning mohrgs sometimes build up a large force of zombies before unleashing them on an unsuspecting world.1


  1. ↑ 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 Owen K.C. Stephens, et al. “Alien Archives” in Empire of Bones, 59. Paizo Inc., 2018