Dycepskian elder brain

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Dycepskian elder brain

Source: Puppets Without Strings, pg(s). 44

Dycepskian elder brains are a massive fungi with psychic abilities, created from the collective power of dycepskian hosts that congregate in large numbers. Unlike normal dycepskians, elder brains are intelligent without the need of a host, and seek to create more dycepskians by using their victims as a vector; those who get infected by elder spores eventually transform into elder brains if not treated.1 A dycepskian elder brain's psychic energies warp the 5-mile radius around itself, preventing other creatures from leaving without magic before the elder brain is killed, and can induce hallucinations in living or undead creatures that come near it.2


  1. ↑ Landon Winkler, et al. “Continuing the Campaign” in Puppets Without Strings, 44. Paizo Inc., 2020
  2. ↑ Landon Winkler, et al. “Continuing the Campaign” in Puppets Without Strings, 45. Paizo Inc., 2020