
From StarfinderWiki

Candlaron the Sculpter
Source: Whispers of the Eclipse, pg(s). 39

Aiudara are magical gates found on the planet Castrovel that were built unknown millennia before the Gap by unknown peoples. Over time, the elves discovered how to activate these portals, but it was the elf Candlaron the Sculptor who discoverd how to use the gates that led to other planets. He used this understanding to build his own aiudara, creating them with the help of his colleagues. Candlaron and the other crafters created two types of gates: the first were linked gates that connected one gate to only one other, while hubs connected a single gate to multiple other aiudara. Some aiudara could only be accessed with a key in order to safeguard the portal. This key could be almost anything including a physical object, a ritual, or something esoteric or metaphysical. Many keys have since been lost to time, rendering the gates inoperable. Candlaron created these portals to connect the various cities of the elves on Sovyrian, the elven home continent, but also crafted the Sovyrian Stone artifact to permanently link Castrovel to Golarion.1


  1. Kate Baker, et al. “The Elven Diaspora” in Whispers of the Eclipse, 39. Paizo Inc., 2021