Smuggler's Moon
Smuggler's Moon is a megacomplex located on Atherm which serves as a space port and trading hub for ne'er-do-wells.1
Smuggler's Moon is a titanic octahedral complex that lies half-submerged underground and towers from the surrounding lush forests, which are filled with clean air and fresh water.1 Its widest level, called Concourse, is the heart of Smuggler's Moon, where visitors congregate. Its upper half, which is accessible to the public, is dotted by thousands of windows, two massive gardens, and hundreds of balconies that each can serve as a single starship's landing pad.2 Employees spend their lives on the cramped, windowless levels in the lower half, segregated from the rest of Smuggler's Moon.3
Dregor Ragazine III, better known as King Dregor, is the unquestioned despot of Smuggler's Moon, holding power through intimidation, a personal guard force and occasional bribes. Those convicted of murder, theft or the capture of guests or employees are imprisoned and sold to anyone willing to pay.1
The origin of Smuggler's Moon is completely unknown, and it was ancient when first rediscovered by Dregor Ragazine III and his then-lover Alelell. Obsessed with the ruined complex, Dregor insisted on building his farm in its shadow, and hired off-world contractors to restore it as his new home. As the years passed, Dregor spent more and more time at the complex, until he announced the inauguration of his wilderness retreat. However, Dregor never expected the kind of people who arrived at his resort: criminals who sought an isolated place to refuel and hide from the law. The resort thus came to be known as Smuggler's Moon.1
All kinds of crooks come to Smuggler's Moon to resupply, sell their ill-gotten gains, escape the law and socialise. King Dregor protects them from bounty hunters and law enforcement, and rents them comfortable lodgings, while his employees entertain them and repair their ships.1
Maraquoi serve a special position in Smuggler's Moon as King Dregor's guards, enjoying better food, quarters and pay than most staff. Originally indentured servants seeking asylum, Dregor freed the maraquoi and hired them as paid employees. Though they do their best to suppress violence, crime is common and Smuggler's Moon remains dangerous.4
The rest of the workforce occupies the lowest social strata, spending their lives on the windowless employee levels segregated from the rest of Smuggler's Moon. All employees are provided food, clothing and living quarters, with paid employees being treated better than indentured servants (who are banned from owning weapons). The most pleasant and loyal workers are given public duties, like greeters, entertainers, servers and cleaners. Bound by morals, fear or threats, most indentured servants have resigned themselves to working their entire term, while others refuse to suffer and instead whisper of rebellion, biding their time and gathering supplies until they could overthrow King Dregor.4
Most major law enforcement agencies and criminal groups find Smuggler's Moon too small to pay attention to; Dregor bribes those who do so and deflects their interest, without giving up control, by sharing information on criminal groups or turning over wanted individuals who found themselves imprisoned in Smuggler's Moon. In both cases, he claims a modest finder's fee.4
- â 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 âSmuggler's Moonâ in The Gilded Cage, 47. Paizo Inc., 2021 .
- â âSmuggler's Moonâ in The Gilded Cage, 49. Paizo Inc., 2021 .
- â âSmuggler's Moonâ in The Gilded Cage, 50. Paizo Inc., 2021 .
- â 4.0 4.1 4.2 âSmuggler's Moonâ in The Gilded Cage, 48. Paizo Inc., 2021 .