Lights of Nhimbaloth

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Lights of Nhimbaloth

Hunt down starships and creatures that attacked others
The Drift
Decentralised groups
Followers of Nhimbaloth
Source: The Blind City, pg(s). 41

The Lights of Nhimbaloth are a cult of Nhimbaloth who believes the Drift to be a waterway where their patron encourages them to hunt for starships and creatures that prey upon travellers, in the same way as she hunts those who would prey upon the River of Souls.1


The Lights of Nhimbaloth patrol the Drift, their ships bristling with weapons, searching for other ships and creatures that attacked others and killing them. They are not interested in protecting the innocent and will wait until they are killed before falling upon their attackers. They have no overarching goal other than the thrill of the hunt.1

Some Lights of Nhimbaloth believe themselves to be her chosen and seek to expand her influence by surrounding the corpses of Drift predators in beacons that float in particular patterns to attract her attention, and leave them floating through the Drift. None can speak about these sacrifices' effectiveness, as Drift energy tends to swallow them, never to be seen again.1


The Lights of Nhimbaloth operate in small groups aboard starships and have no real power structure. Only a few individuals with particularly long presences command respect among others who know them.1


All members of the Lights of Nhimbaloth cover their faces, presenting only an empty mask, and do their work in absolute silence. They live aboard their ships and only come to the Material Plane to refuel and restock if necessary. Many are intelligent undead, and their starships' hulls and engines are corroded and ought to be, by all rights, broken. A small Lights of Nhimbaloth cell has infiltrated Alluvion, allowing them to resupply without having to come to the Material Plane.1


Although the Lights of Nhimbaloth are often seen as enforcers of justice, avenging those killed in the Drift, by the few who know them, the Stewards suspect that some of them might be responsible for luring predator to prey. They keep an eye for Lights of Nhimbaloth ships exiting the Drift, but have difficulty identifying them through sight.1

Followers of Triune view the Lights of Nhimbaloth as an affront to their deity and are busy attempting to flush them out of Alluvion, while wondering why Triune allowed them to approach the city.1


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 Ron Lundeen, et al. “Cults of the Galaxy” in The Blind City, 41–42. Paizo Inc., 2019