Forgeworks Innovations

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Forgeworks Innovations

Source: Crash and Burn, pg(s). 46

Forgeworks Innovations is a government-owned corporation based on Conqueror's Forge, responsible for developing much of the technology used by the Veskarium for civilian use.1


Forgeworks Innovations develops technology for everyday use; many of these developments eventually become the basis for other Conqueror's Forge projects.1


Forgeworks Innovations is run by Major General Olekzarda Kyrimadov, who acknowledges her staff's expertise by allowing scientists to work and procuring their requested budget with little inquiry. Though this has led to breakthroughs without being delayed by vesk pride, many superiors have clashed with her, thinking that she should have a more active role.2


The Council of Despots provides significant funding to Forgeworks Innovations, viewing it as an asset and showing other governments that the Veskarium is no longer a belligerent empire. In the peace that followed the Swarm War, Forgeworks Innovations has played an increasingly important role, as civilian technology proves to be a more stable source of profit than weapons and armaments. After combat technology and starships, Forgeworld products are the best-selling ones on Conqueror's Forge, and dozens of companies have sent liaisons to buy their newest breakthroughs since the Veskarium opened the station for free trade to help provide funding. However, many conservative vesk consider the act of providing technology to those unconquered by the empire to be disgraceful.12


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 Paizo Inc., et al. Near Space, 66. Paizo Inc., 2020
  2. 2.0 2.1 Christopher Wasko, et al. “Corporations of the Galaxy” in Crash and Burn, 47. Paizo Inc., 2021