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Exploit the portals of Nazerum for money
Source: The Blind City, pg(s). 42

The Portalseers are a pseudoreligious group who seek to exploit the planar portals on the planet Nazerum for money.1


When stories began to circulate that the energies from Nazerum's portals could heal any disease, the Portalseers coalesced from those who sought to control and exploit them. They have since taken over the entire planet, and charge a high price for access to the portals.1


The Portalseers claim to heal the sick with the planar energies from the portals, but the effectiveness is questionable. They tend to take patients with ill-defined, psychosomatic ailments. Their clients return home claiming to feel energised and recharged, their treatment worth every credit. Due to the word-of-mouth praise and air of exclusivity, the Portalseers find it easy to prey upon those with more money than sense.1


The Portalseers' leader is Kaelee Cadlucaas, who controls nearly all aspects of her underlings' lives and has the final say on which clients are granted access to which rifts, and is viewed by the Portalseers as a motherly figure. She claims that all of the Portalseers' profit is put to maintain their facilities and study the rifts, but possesses a secret bank account that constantly grows from embezzlement. Only a few other Portalseers are aware of this, and seek to deflect suspicion from Kaelee at all costs. It is unknown how she engendered their loyalty.1


The Portalseers only count a few dozen members from various planets. All of them live in a bunker straddling the entrance to the caves that lead to the portals. Most work within the bunker and the caves, keeping their operations running smoothly. A small few search other planets for those who need and can afford the portals, and ferry them to and from Nazerum. No new member has been accepted into the Portalseers since their foundation.1


A small group of Eloritu's followers are seeking to infiltrate the Portalseers and discover Nazerum's secrets. They have posed as rich clients but have been turned away twice. The Aspis Consortium sees the Portalseers' scam as a controllable financial windfall, and has sent several communiqués to Kaelee for a possible merger but has only been received with thinly-veiled threats.1


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 Ron Lundeen, et al. “Cults of the Galaxy” in The Blind City, 42. Paizo Inc., 2019