Khefak Depot

From StarfinderWiki
Khefak Depot

17% human, 12% ysoki, 4% space goblin, 4% ikeshti, 3% shobhad, 60% other
Source: Junker's Delight, pg(s). 51

Khefak Depot, also colloquially known as Junker's Delight, is a gambling and resort town located in the middle of the Outer Junkfields, the largest concentration of wrecked starships near the equator of Akiton.12 It has a surprisingly robust economy based on 'junk tourism'.3


Most of Khefak Depot's higher-end businesses and resorts are located near the edge (called the Skirt) of the town. Other streets run in concentric rings connected near cardinal and ordinal directions. Originally, these spokes were meant to run straight along the compass, but a drunk surveyor and the reality of construction made that impossible, and streets have also shifted to accommodate construction projects and mergers. The tallest buildings are located around the Skirt, and upstart entrepreneurs have tried to build taller ones off the Skirt with varying degrees of success. Most of the interior consists of residential buildings and recreational facilities.1


Khefak Depot has no central government; the closest thing to a real authority is a council consisting of half a dozen individuals who own property and the largest businesses in town. The Water Dealer is the most powerful member, but cannot ignore his lesser rivals. No law enforcement exists; instead, all big families and many smaller businesses hire private security to protect their clientele.1


Khefak Depot was originally built as a ranch for khefaks turned loose on the Outer Junkfields to feed, before the ranchers saw the potential profits in catering to visitors who come in search of old junk.1


Only about a third of Khefak Depot's inhabitants are permanent residents, and most work in the hospitality and tourism industry. The town has branded itself the go-to place where offworlders can get a glimpse at Akiton's wrecks without having to brave the wastes; everything revolves around tourism, and options at every price point are available for the discerning and the gullible alike. Universities and historical societies maintain small remote branches here, staffed by scholars and students looking to make a name for themselves.13


  1. ↑ 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 Jason Keeley & Misha Bushyager. “Khefak Depot Gazetteer” in Junker's Delight, 51. Paizo Inc., 2021
  2. ↑ Alexander Augunas, et al. Pact Worlds, 50. Paizo Inc., 2018
  3. ↑ 3.0 3.1 Alexander Augunas, et al. Pact Worlds, 56. Paizo Inc., 2018