Dominion of the Black

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The Dominion of the Black is an intergalactic coalition of obscenely powerful aberrations based in the Dark Tapestry, the darkness between the stars. Its ultimate goals remain a dreadful mystery, whispered to be the extermination of sentient life throughout the universe or its replacement by something from another reality.1


Some time during the Gap, the Dominion of the Black and the Cults of the Elder Mythos declared war upon each other over the planet Aucturn. The Elder Mythos cults were victorious and ejected most Dominion forces from the planet, but small pockets of Dominion resistance remain.2


The 'leaders' of the Dominion are colossal, evil entities of unfathomable intellect and inscrutable ambition, only known only under awkward translations. It's hypothesised that the Dominion follows the orders of the Dark Tapestry itself.1


The Dominion is known to control worlds in multiple galaxies, but it isn't an empire in the humanoid sense of the word: planets under Dominion control are mere production facilities whose residents are treated no better than test subjects.1

Within the Pact Worlds system, the Dominion hasn't given up its foothold in Aucturn. Small cells of Dominion agents control over small biotech factories and isolated locations on the planet. Within the Chalkmound Ziggurats, the Dominion seeks to psychically corrupt Nyarlathotep's worship by perverting the brain waves of captured cultists; and in the factory called Frost-That-Bleeds, Dominion scientists study Aucturn's ichor, perfecting potent strains of magnetotoxins to poison the planet and convert its magnetic field into a beacon for their agents in the Dark Tapestry. They avoid more conflict with the cultists while protecting their secrecy, rebuilding and contacting more Dominion agents in deep space.23


The Dominion of the Black is served by a wide variety of bizarre creatures, including the shipminds, a race of intelligent oozes genetically engineered to fuse with the Dominion's infamous living cybernetic ships.1


All creatures in the Dominion of the Black view humanoid view as inferior, only good for observation, experimentation, genetic manipulation or as raw material. The Dominion is also in conflict with the cults of the Outer Gods, who have proven themselves resistant to the occasional Dominion attacks on Aucturn; the exact nature of this enmity is unknown. The rest of the Pact Worlds are happy to let the Dominion waste its resources against a poisonous planet at the outskirts of the system.12


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 Paizo Inc., et al. Core Rulebook, 496. Paizo Inc., 2017
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 Alexander Augunas, et al. Pact Worlds, 140. Paizo Inc., 2018
  3. Alexander Augunas, et al. Pact Worlds, 141–142. Paizo Inc., 2018