Auroric Palace

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The Auroric Palace is the home of the elemental lord Ymeri on the Plane of Fire. It is built from solid (but still shimmering) flames atop a swath of crystal, metal and stone, which constantly evaporates from the heat, resulting in colourful metallic plumes perpetually surrounding the palace. It is believed that their hues reflect Ymeri's mood, while Ymeri herself points to them as the proof that fire will always defeat earth, even if it has been centuries since any open war between the Plane of Fire and Plane of Earth. Ymeri entertains supplicants in the palace, but some believe that she is growing more and more irrelevant as technology draws together all inhabitants of the Great Beyond.1


  1. Jason Tondro, et al. “The Plane of Fire” in Assault on the Crucible, 49. Paizo Inc., 2019